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Ahmed M. Heikal

Affiliateship: 2019-2023

Cohort 4

Country (Nationality)



Engineering Technology & Applied Sciences


Ahmed M. Heikal received the B.Sc. (with an “excellent” grade) in electronics and communications engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt, in 2006 and the Ph.D. degree from University of South Wales, UK, in 2013. Dr Heikal has authored or co-authored over 56 research papers (Citations: >290, H-index: 10) including over 26 papers in peer-reviewed journals and over 30 papers in conference proceedings. His research is situated in the field of photonics, with a special focus on computational modelling, plasmonic devices, optical sensors, energy harvesting devices, and optical communication devices. He has received several important Recognitions to his research career, including the Prize of the best PhD Thesis, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science, University of South Wales, UK; Incentive State Award for Engineering Sciences from the Egyptian Government, Egypt; and Shorouk Academy Awards for Scientific and Technological Creativity, Egypt. He was elected by Minister of Higher Education and Research in Egypt as a member of the National Council for Communications and Information Technology, Academy of Scientific Research, Egypt. Dr Heikal also is elected by Minister of Higher Education and Research in Egypt as a member of the National union of Radio Science, Academy of Scientific Research, Egypt. Recently, Dr Heikal is the Director of Center for Nanotechnology, Mansoura University, Egypt.