Here's how you can reach us
Our Headquarters
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS)
8 Miotoni Lane, Karen, Nairobi
P.O. Box 24916-00502 Nairobi, Kenya
+254 709 158 000/100/101/102/103, +254 736 888 001, +254 725 290 145
President of The AAS
Prof. Felix Dapare Dakora
Tshwane University of Technology
South Africa.
Our Regional Vice Presidents
Northern Africa
Prof. Akissa Bahri
Tunis (Tunisia)
Central Africa
Prof. Francine Ntoumi
La Presidente, et Directrice Generale
Fondation Congolaise la Recherche Medicale (Congo)
Eastern Africa
Prof. Elly N. Sabiiti
Makerere University
Kampala (Uganda)
Western Africa
Southern Africa
Prof. Mohamed Iqbal Parker
University of Capetown
Capetown (South Africa)
All members of staff of The African Academy of Sciences are expected to uphold The AAS Code of Conduct. Make a protected disclosure of conduct that is corrupt, dishonest, fraudulent, illegal, unlawful and/or unethical via our whistle blowing email address: