Up-to-date announcements, stories and opinion pieces from The AAS and researchers that we fund
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The African Academy of Sciences welcomes 29 scholars into its membership
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Tchad : la méconnaissance des informations scientifiques freine l'accès à l'eau
L’accès à une eau de qualité est une préoccupation dans beaucoup de pays d’Afrique, dont le Tchad.
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ICGEB Alumni Dr Nada Abdel Aziz awarded African Academy of Sciences ARISE Fellowship
Case Studies
International Centre fo
University commits fund for African partnerships
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University commits fund for African partnership
Celebrating the life and contribution of Professor George Albert Magoha
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Advancing Scientific Collaboration Between Africa and the United States
Latest Feature
Stop, Look, Listen - consideration of contextual and local factors is critical when studying mental health
Latest Feature
Training early career scientists to respond to Africa's challenges in global health
Latest Feature
Celebrating the life and contribution of Professor Timothy Uzochukwu Obi
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is deeply
Celebrating the life and contribution of Professor Aderemi Kuku
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Nairobi, Kenya, March 2022
The African Academy of Sciences Announces the Election of 2020 Fellows
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The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is deligh
The African Postdoctoral Training Initiative (APTI) hosts inception meeting for second cohort of fellows
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In 2018, three leading par
Innovative building materials to meet the growing demands of urban development in Africa
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AAS Fellow Professor Olanike Adeyemo Appointed to HLPE Steering Committee
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AAS fellow Professor Olani
Celebrating the life and contribution of AAS Fellow Lydia Makhubu
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The African Academy of Sci
Celebrating the life and contribution of AAS Fellow David Olufemi Olaleye
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sci
Webinar series to share outcomes and lessons of the Evidence Leaders in Africa Initiative
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Heatwaves and mortality rates in Northern Senegal: temperature-related morbidity and mortality and associated risk factors
Case Studies
Global warming levels of 1.5oC and 2oC: impacts over Madagascar
Case Studies
Climate information is critical for smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change and variability in Ghana
Case Studies
Saving emissions by producing cheap fertilizers with air
Case Studies
Celebrating African Unity
Case Studies
Enhancement of Foetal Haemoglobin for Relief of Sickle Cell Disease
Case Studies
High throughput sequencing of Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health Approach
Case Studies
Beneficial microorganisms – their potential to improve crop production under changing climate in Africa
Case Studies
New approaches to accelerating TB treatment in Africa
Case Studies
Community participation improves perceptions of dog vaccination in Tanzania
Case Studies
Rapid testing kit for bedside diagnosis and treatment of maternal infections on expectant mothers
Case Studies
Harnessing technology to respond to millennial SDGs
Case Studies
Building capacity to cope with national COVID-19 pressures in Uganda
Case Studies
Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in the Zimbabwe wildlife sector
Case Studies
Dr Cynthia Amaning Danquah wins the 2020 Africa Oxford Research Development Award
Latest Feature
African Postdoctoral Training Initiative (APTI) announces second cohort of fellows to be hosted at NIH
Latest Feature
Developing talent for the African knowledge economy
Case Studies
Assessing prevalence and building awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in Mali
Case Studies
Prof Ngila: Why dad called me Mr Catherine in his letters
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Report examines meteorological and air quality factors and COVID-19
Latest Feature
Forty promising African early career researchers recognised
Latest Feature
HIV, art and serendipity: fighting COVID-19 circulation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Case Studies
Aged rural populations shown to be more vulnerable to climate change
Case Studies
Adaptation to aeroallergens and allergic diseases in Nigeria
Case Studies
South African researcher on winning his FLAIR postdoctoral fellowship
Case Studies
Tick-borne diseases affecting cattle in Kenya
Case Studies
Preventing transmission of hepatitis B in Senegal
Case Studies
Maximizing synergy across COVID-19 research and response activities in Kenya
Case Studies
Africa’s century to prioritise data and biospecimen governance policies
Case Studies
Grand Challenges Botswana – A New Programme to Fund Impressive Innovations
Latest Feature
Prince of Wales warns ‘no time to waste’ to address global climate and health crises
Latest Feature
Factors affecting mental health of mothers and children in Ethiopia
Case Studies
COVID-19 reminds us of the importance of global health R&I cooperation: AU-EU leadership could now take it to the next level
Latest Feature
Exploring depression treatment in people living with HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia
Case Studies
Developing sensors for monitoring environmental pollutants in Kenya
Case Studies
Five exceptional women scientists rewarded for their pioneering work in Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science
Latest Feature
Sexual and reproductive health interventions to build resilience in youth
Case Studies
Scientific prioritisation key to achieving the 2030 SDGs in Africa
Latest Feature
Investigating the developmental origins of stunting in Nigeria
Case Studies
How South African led research network is combating COVID-19
Case Studies
Resilience against global environmental crises - Commonwealth Science Conference online from 22 February
Latest Feature
The burden of HIV-associated tuberculosis in Botswana
Case Studies
How some human genes protect against malaria
Case Studies
AESA’s Journey to 2021 and Beyond
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Africa and UK research teams in collaboration to build capacity
Latest Feature
CARTA, a multidisciplinary driving force leading the way on COVID-19
Case Studies
Targeting bacteria in mosquitoes for alternative malaria control strategies
Case Studies
Understanding red blood cell invasion by the malaria parasite
Case Studies
Researchers rapidly identified nature and spread of COVID-19 across Ghana
Latest Feature
AAS Fellow Prof Oyewusi Ibidapo-Obe passes on
Latest Feature
Innovative drug discovery approach addresses childhood diarrhoea in Africa
Case Studies
A digital innovation improves delivery of sanitation services in Uganda
Case Studies
Prioritisation exercise outlines three scientific priorities for Africa
Latest Feature
Improving science literacy in high schools in South Africa
Case Studies
Discovering new drug candidates against malaria
Case Studies
European Union and African Union join forces to empower a new generation of African research talents
Latest Feature
South African Professor Daniël Christiaan de Wet Swanepoel wins prestigious African Academy of Sciences science prize
Latest Feature
Exploring indoor air pollution in Nigeria
Case Studies
Veterinary services and the mental health of livestock farmers
Case Studies
AAS sadly announces the passing of Prof Laban Ogallo
Latest Feature
Solar-Powered tracking bracelets reduces maternal mortality in Kenya
Case Studies
Linking older Ugandans to hypertension and diabetes care
Case Studies
Commonwealth Science Conference to focus on resilience against global environmental crises
Latest Feature
Africa’s First Online Clinical Trial Community
Latest Feature
Building sustainable settlements to protect vulnerable communities
Case Studies
Engaging communities in Zimbabwe on substance abuse and HIV
Case Studies
African Scientists Directory fosters collaboration, counters populism
Latest Feature
The need for more research on fungal infections
Case Studies
Scientists strengthen resolve to champion evidence use for development
Latest Feature
Developing antibacterials and sunscreens from medicinal plants in Uganda
Case Studies
Improving mental health in patients with diabetes in Malawi
Case Studies
Exploring the genetic landscape of breast cancer in Ghana
Case Studies
African and UK research management professionals co-create resources to improve the profession
Latest Feature
Promoting innovations to advance food security and nutrition in Africa
Latest Feature
The inaugural photography competition for AAS Open Research is now open for entries
Latest Feature
AAS Fellow Elizabeth Bukusi nominated as one of the top 50 change makers in public health
Latest Feature
Brucella found in Kenya’s rapidly growing pig sector
Case Studies
Genomics is the key to understanding tuberculosis in Africa
Case Studies
The secrets to commercializing R&D innovations and creating successful businesses
Case Studies
Addressing hearing impairment in Ghana
Case Studies
Education is a vaccine that can improve the health of adolescents
Case Studies
Antimicrobial status at the Human-Animal Interface in Kenya
Case Studies
The African Academy of Sciences Announces the Election of 2019 Fellows
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AAS Fellow Prof Deresh Ramjugernath appointed as SU's new Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching
Latest Feature
White Paper: Harnessing Innovation and Emerging Technologies to Address the Impact of COVID-19 in Africa
Latest Feature
Do male and female farmers adopt different strategies to climate change?
Case Studies
Contributing to the global efforts of eradicating malaria
Case Studies
Vaccine design to kick immune response into high gear
Case Studies
Identifying tuberculosis treatment gaps in Uganda
Case Studies
Boost for global response to COVID-19 as economies worldwide formally sign up to COVAX Facility
Latest Feature
Geneva, 21 September 2020 – 64
Assessing healthcare system support for diabetes in Malawi
Case Studies
Repurposing carbon dioxide into useful energy chemicals
Case Studies
Assessing HIV testing data from healthcare facilities in Uganda
Case Studies
Factors affecting child malnutrition in Ethiopia
Case Studies
A Consensus Study Report on Heritable Human Genome Editing
Latest Feature
Continental bodies collaborate to boost science granting councils
Latest Feature
The Association of African Universities (AAU) h
Engaging the youth as malaria ambassadors in Kenya
Case Studies
Genomics research in controlling Neglected Tropical Diseases
Case Studies
African Academy of Sciences loses a Fellow
Latest Feature
The true cost of doing research in African institutions
Case Studies
Bridging the gender gap for women in science in Africa
Latest Feature
Addressing Long Term Care for Nigeria’s Aging Population
Case Studies
Teenagers drive TB awareness in Botswana
Case Studies
First Good Financial Grant Practice Certification in Africa
Latest Feature
“We are proud to announce the first GFGP ce
Strengthening the Capacity of Africa’s Science Granting Councils in Research Management
Latest Feature
Africa in a ‘sweet spot’ to lead global collaborations
Latest Feature
Barriers to malaria interventions in Ghana
Case Studies
Drivers of antimicrobial resistance in East Africa
Case Studies
Disruptive effects of waste water pollution on aquatic biodiversity
Case Studies
How I successfully applied for a postdoctoral fellowship
Case Studies
Engaging traditional birth attendants to reduce maternal depression
Latest Feature
Research priorities to achieve Africa’s food security and nutrition needs
Case Studies
Impacts of physical distancing for COVID-19 in Africa
Case Studies
Tanzanian traditional plant treats wounds
Case Studies
Global research community asks for the right research in the right places for COVID-19
Latest Feature
Scrutinizing an emerging drug resistant Salmonella in Malawi
Case Studies
Virtual reality gives African school children a glimpse into research
Case Studies
World’s First Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP) Certification
Latest Feature
Genetic diversity in Cameroon: an invisible obstacle in human genetic studies of malaria
Case Studies
Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today
Case Studies
Exploring the adaptive capacity of fisheries in Africa
Case Studies
Why Africa needs to address deafness
Case Studies
Is your Non-Profit Organization ready to be funded?
Latest Feature
Has your non-profit organization been receiving
Trust and accountability in managing public funds
Latest Feature
Strong trust and accountability should
What are Africa’s priorities for climate change?
Case Studies
Seventeen early career scientists selected to attend the 2020 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
Latest Feature
Seventeen early career African scientists nomin
The development of future generations of scientists cannot be left to chance
Case Studies
Setting research priorities to achieve quality maternal health care in Africa
Case Studies
The African Academy of Sciences International Research Management Staff Development Programme – (IRMSDP)
Latest Feature
Improving blood screening for safer transfusion practices
Case Studies
Announcing the 2020 Africa-India Mobility Fund Awardees
Latest Feature
Harnessing solar power to provide clean energy
Case Studies
Developing affordable titanium implants in Africa
Case Studies
The voices missing from South Africa’s response to COVID-19
Latest Feature
Enhancing collaboration to strengthen Africa`s clinical trial capacity through an online platform
Latest Feature
Timelines for Next Steps in the 2020 GC Elections Process
Latest Feature
Dear AAS Fellows and Associate Fe
Postdoc Spotlight—Meet Dr. Bartholomew Nyangahu - African Postdoctoral Training Initiative Fellow (APTI)
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Interview with Bartholomew Ondigo Nyangahu, Ph.
From Africa to the World: Connecting African innovators and ideas to industry
Latest Feature
There is a disconnect between industry, angel d
Making an impact through an innovation ecosystem to enhance Improved lives in Africa
Case Studies
Simon Ndoria, Programme Officer at Gran
Global Leaders Unlock Ways for Precision Medicine to Fight COVID-19, Cancers and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Latest Feature
Africa needs a strong cohort of drug discovery scientists to respond to the therapeutic needs of the continent
Latest Feature
The common practice of using commercial market
COVID-19: How Can China Help African Countries Have a Stake in the Race for a Vaccine?
Latest Feature
African countries struggle to find the coronavirus test kits they need
Latest Feature
Funding bold African innovations addressing health and development challenges
Latest Feature
Nairobi, Kenya, 22 May 2020 -
Climate change to cause abrupt species loss this century
Latest Feature
African countries struggle to find the coronavirus test kits they need
Latest Feature
Why the rich must urgently help poor beat coronavirus
Latest Feature
Improving the livelihoods of dairy farmers, a climate change adaptation strategy
Case Studies
Africa Academy of Science institutes $2.8million COVID-19 research fund
Latest Feature
Africa's struggle with inadequate COVID-19 testing
Latest Feature
This is the best time to plan for urban Africa’s next health emergency
Latest Feature
Health, it turns out, is everybody’s business.
African scientists sense a once-in-a-life opportunity to push for research funding
Latest Feature
Recipients of the 2020 FLAIR fellowships announced
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences and the
$2.8million COVID-19 Research Set Up For Africa
Latest Feature
Africa Academy of Science institutes $2.8million COVID-19 research fund
Latest Feature
Billions of dollars need to be mobilised to combat COVID-19
Latest Feature
As self-isolation and self-quarantine, lockdown
“The reality is, when it comes to women’s leadership, we are all behind”
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The African Academy of Sciences Fellow
Understanding African genes in the fight against Malaria
Case Studies
Delesa Damena, is an Ethiopian genetici
African scientists identify coronavirus priorities
Latest Feature
The COVID-19 pandemic is giving African scientists a chance to shine
Latest Feature
By proving themselves in coronavirus response,
COVID-19 African Research Efforts - Take the Survey
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) through i
Pandemic is giving African scientists a chance to shine
Latest Feature
Evidence Leaders Africa (ELA) Conference for AAS Scholars and Researchers postponed
Latest Feature
Thank you for responding to our call for abstra
Africa’s scientists have had to pick testing over genome sequencing for a coronavirus vaccine
Latest Feature
Few clinical trials are done in Africa: COVID-19 shows why this urgently needs to change
Latest Feature
Few clinical trials are done in Africa: COVID-19 shows why this urgently needs to change
Latest Feature
Clinical trials are the foundation of any new m
Academic communities respond to society’s needs
Latest Feature
Supporting organizations to quickly respond to the Covid-19 pandemic
Latest Feature
“In this global crisis, it is important for org
Nurturing and supporting the next generation
Latest Feature
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) have always
Coronavirus will play out very differently in world's poorest nations
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences to elect new members of the Governing Council
Latest Feature
Africa Contributes SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing to COVID-19 Tracking
Latest Feature
Improving mental health outcomes for bipolar disorder in Ethiopia
Case Studies
Transforming cooking in households to improve air quality
Case Studies
Small but mighty – using nanomaterials to provide communities with clean drinking water
Case Studies
Tiny technology with life-changing pote
Promoting the inclusion of more African women in science
Latest Feature
African innovators to improve access to quality water, sanitation and hygiene
Latest Feature
African innovators tackle antimicrobial resistance
Latest Feature
Forty promising African early career scientists selected
Latest Feature
AAS Fellow Prof Tumani Corrah Awarded Honorary KBE by Her Majesty The Queen
Latest Feature
$72M invested to accelerate research in Africa
Latest Feature
We are using computer models to fight drug resistance
African Researchers Tackle Infectious Diseases
Latest Feature
African Academy of Sciences saddened at grantee Dr Kouassi Richard M’bra’s death
Latest Feature
A Grand Challenges Africa Opportunity: Funding to improve maternal and child health in Africa
Latest Feature
Prof Isabella Quakyi Wins the 2019 Clara Southmayd Ludlow Medal
Latest Feature
South Africa is one step closer to processed titanium alloys
Winners of the Africa Science Desk Journalism prize are announced
Latest Feature
Regional partnership promoting high-impact ideas for a healthier Africa is announced
Latest Feature
We have moved our domain to .africa
Latest Feature
Mental health promotion, suicide prevention
African scientists map the genomic resources of the continent
Latest Feature
African innovators discovering new drugs for diseases endemic to Africa
Latest Feature
Social support on caregivers’ mental health
Today's Faces of Sickle Cell Disease: Kolapo Oyebola, Ph.D.
Case Studies
Fresh ideas engaging the public in science funded
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Drawing on expertise and strengths amongst African and Chinese scientists
Latest Feature
African universities battle to attract post-doctoral researchers. Here’s why
Calling for applications: Africa Science Desk Journalism Awards
Latest Feature
An affordable HIV drug resistance assay for Botswana
Case Studies
Improving understanding of the malaria parasite and laying the ground work for vaccines
Case Studies
Existing test for heart conditions modified to suit low income settings
Case Studies
Do HIV patients recover completely after long term treatment?
Latest Feature
But adolescents die and that's why I wanted to do this research!
Case Studies
Ivorian scientists contribute to WHO protocol for eliminating rabies
Case Studies
WACCBIP researchers discover new simpler technique for monitoring mysterious behaviour of malaria parasites
Case Studies
Zimbabwean scientist seeks to contribute to improving quality of life for people with HIV
Case Studies
Kenyan researcher investigates enteropathogen burden in the post-vaccine era
Case Studies
Study to aid in the early detection and treatment of cancer
Case Studies
Information on the launching workshop of the CR4D AAS research project
Latest Feature
African Scientists to be Profiled at Landmark Scientific Meeting
Latest Feature
The AAS holds inaugural public lecture
Latest Feature
Time to bring Africa’s health solutions home
Four early career African scientists selected to meet Nobel Laureates
Latest Feature
A fellow’s mission: Strengthen sickle cell research in Africa
Case Studies
What defines good research management practice?
Latest Feature
Fellows of The AAS Champion use of Evidence in Decision-making
Latest Feature
21 innovative research projects funded to tackle climate change in Africa
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences and Royal Society announce further recipients of 2019 FLAIR scheme
Latest Feature
WACCBIP researchers discover new simpler technique for monitoring mysterious behaviour of malaria parasites
Case Studies
Meet DELGEME Post-Doc, PhD and MSc fellows (2016-2017)
Latest Feature
AMARI 2018 ASM: “Building networks for mental health research excellence in Africa”
Latest Feature
Why I train grandmothers to treat depression
Latest Feature
Scientists to champion use of evidence by African governments
Latest Feature
African Postdoctoral Training Initiative fellow looks forward to collaborating within NCI
Case Studies
Rania Labib, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral fellow in
Africa’s future scientific leaders
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences and Royal Society announce the African recipients of £25M FLAIR scheme
Latest Feature
Africa needs a heavy dose of investment in genomics research
African Academy of Sciences and the South African Medical Research Council tackle antimicrobial resistance in Africa
Latest Feature
The AAS hosts the European Research Council President Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Latest Feature
A Grand Challenges Africa Funding Opportunity: Using Data to improve Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health
Latest Feature
15 African researchers to receive £1.5M to conduct research on impacts of climate change in Africa
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences Announces New Game Changing Programme to Strengthen Research Management in Africa
Latest Feature
Networking Early Career Scientists
Case Studies
Reversing Brain Drain Through DELTAS Africa
Case Studies
Developing Africa’s Scientific Leaders
Case Studies
Reversing Brain Drain Through DELTAS Africa
Case Studies
Developing Africa’s Scientific Leaders
Case Studies
Networking Early Career Scientists
Case Studies
Supporting Plan S, a model making research accessible and advancing science globally
Latest Feature
AAS appoints Elizabeth Marincola as Senior Advisor for Communications and Advocacy
Latest Feature
R10 million to support innovative health technologies in maternal and neonatal care across Africa
Latest Feature
15 African researchers to receive £1.5M to conduct research on impacts of climate change in Africa
Latest Feature
Academy Launches Global Standard for Transparent Research and Humanitarian Funding
Latest Feature
Seven early career scientists awarded AESA-RISE Postdoctoral fellowships
Latest Feature
New Afro-German partnership to accelerate progress to achieve SDGs for health
Latest Feature
Do you have a great idea to tackle water, sanitation and hygiene challenges?
Latest Feature
Rwanda leads the way in the adoption of a global standard to strengthen the governance of grant funding
Latest Feature
How Can Africa Prevent the Next Haemorrhagic Fever Crisis? Invest in Research and Development
The African Academy of Sciences and partners invest in drug discovery in Africa
Latest Feature
Sub-Saharan Africa to receive £25M in new programme aimed at early career scientists
Latest Feature
Six early career scientists selected to attend Lindau meetings
Latest Feature
AAS Open Research publishes first articles showcasing scientific research from Africa
Latest Feature
Experts from the Global South urge developing countries to lead on solar geoengineering research
Latest Feature
African Academy of Sciences and the South African Medical Research Council tackle antimicrobial resistance in Africa
Latest Feature
African Academy of Sciences and partners launch researcher mobility funds Collaboration among African and Indian scientists to be facilitated
Latest Feature
Launch of the Commonwealth Academies of Science consensus statement on climate change
Latest Feature
Study calls for reform of national STI policies
Latest Feature
African scientists drive genomics research to tackle diseases endemic to Africa
Latest Feature
AAS programme intensifies support for research tackling climate change
Latest Feature
African Innovation Foundation and African Academy of Sciences sign MoU to drive STI-led research into solutions addressing challenges across the continent
Latest Feature
African Academy of Science to put its research on global stage with innovative new publishing platform
Latest Feature
Kevin Marsh Wins 2017 Drexel Prize in Infectious Disease
Latest Feature
Tom Kariuki appointed Honorary Professor of a prestigious UK university
Latest Feature
AAS expresses condolences for the death of its founding Vice President Prof Francis Allotey
Latest Feature
Evelyn Gitau steps down as Grand Challenges Africa Programme Manager
Latest Feature
Eight bold innovators selected for $1 M in funding
Latest Feature
AAS provides funding to build Africa’s science journalism capacity
Latest Feature
AAS announces appointment of new Executive Director
Latest Feature
DELTAS Africa Annual Grantees Meeting 2017
Latest Feature
Meeting showcases Africa’s ground breaking health research
Latest Feature
Meeting showcases Africa’s ground breaking health research
Latest Feature
AAS elects new members of the Governing Council
Latest Feature
SANTHE's Prof Thumbi Ndung'u wins $2.8 million Gilead grant
Latest Feature
Young African scholars selected to attend prestigious Nobel Laureate meetings
Latest Feature
SANTHE’s Dr Zaza Ndhlovu awarded $650 000 research scholarship
Latest Feature
APHRC included in 2016 list of top global think tanks
Latest Feature
AAS-AESA announces US$2 million investment to boost Africa’s scientific capacity
Latest Feature
Pioneering research tests why some TB bacteria survives treatment
Case Studies
The art of science: Africa Health Research Institute hosts an exhibition of the Wellcome Image Awards 2017
Latest Feature
African Academy of Sciences names Dr Tom Kariuki Interim Executive Director and bids farewell to Professor Berhanu Abegaz
Latest Feature
Why India & Africa need aligned health research strategies
How African can close its continent-wide science funding gap
Africa’s innovators for Africa’s challenges
Africa’s future depends on its scientists. Time to stop the brain drain
Challenges and opportunities for chemistry in Africa
Africa in transition: the case of malaria
Africa produces just 1.1% of global scientific knowledge - but change is coming
How a gene test can solve side effects linked to ARV drugs in Africa
Why it’s time African researchers stopped working in silos
Africa needs to fund and support its scientists
African governments must urgently invest in science and research
To end poverty, put science at the heart of development
DELTAS Africa financial reporting workshop in Johannesburg
Latest Feature
DELTAS PI Appointed Head:School of Public Health at Wits University
Latest Feature
Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa to Ignite Innovation in Africa
Latest Feature
Centre of gravity for African research funding shifts closer to Africa
Latest Feature
Using gene drives
Latest Feature
The African Academy Of Sciences Issues Formal Protest At The Racist Remarks Made About Africa, Haiti And El Salvador By The American President, Donald Trump
Latest Feature
Research boost creates more opportunities for African scientists
Latest Feature
African scientists gather for Grand Challenges Africa meeting
Latest Feature
The AAS Develops A Standard For Good Financial Grant Practice
Latest Feature
African Leaders, International Partners Launch New Initiatives to Spur Scientific Research in Africa
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences unveils a historical mathematical tool
Latest Feature
Kenyan masters graduate finds a PhD scholarship through CBRM
Case Studies
Filter By
Advancing Scientific Collaboration Between Africa and the United States
Latest Feature
Stop, Look, Listen - consideration of contextual and local factors is critical when studying mental health
Latest Feature
Training early career scientists to respond to Africa's challenges in global health
Latest Feature
Webinar series to share outcomes and lessons of the Evidence Leaders in Africa Initiative
Latest Feature
African Postdoctoral Training Initiative (APTI) announces second cohort of fellows to be hosted at NIH
Latest Feature
Forty promising African early career researchers recognised
Latest Feature
Grand Challenges Botswana – A New Programme to Fund Impressive Innovations
Latest Feature
Prince of Wales warns ‘no time to waste’ to address global climate and health crises
Latest Feature
Scientific prioritisation key to achieving the 2030 SDGs in Africa
Latest Feature
Resilience against global environmental crises - Commonwealth Science Conference online from 22 February
Latest Feature
Prioritisation exercise outlines three scientific priorities for Africa
Latest Feature
European Union and African Union join forces to empower a new generation of African research talents
Latest Feature
South African Professor Daniël Christiaan de Wet Swanepoel wins prestigious African Academy of Sciences science prize
Latest Feature
Commonwealth Science Conference to focus on resilience against global environmental crises
Latest Feature
Africa’s First Online Clinical Trial Community
Latest Feature
Scientists strengthen resolve to champion evidence use for development
Latest Feature
African and UK research management professionals co-create resources to improve the profession
Latest Feature
Promoting innovations to advance food security and nutrition in Africa
Latest Feature
The inaugural photography competition for AAS Open Research is now open for entries
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences Announces the Election of 2019 Fellows
Latest Feature
Boost for global response to COVID-19 as economies worldwide formally sign up to COVAX Facility
Latest Feature
Geneva, 21 September 2020 – 64
Bridging the gender gap for women in science in Africa
Latest Feature
First Good Financial Grant Practice Certification in Africa
Latest Feature
“We are proud to announce the first GFGP ce
Strengthening the Capacity of Africa’s Science Granting Councils in Research Management
Latest Feature
World’s First Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP) Certification
Latest Feature
Seventeen early career scientists selected to attend the 2020 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
Latest Feature
Seventeen early career African scientists nomin
Announcing the 2020 Africa-India Mobility Fund Awardees
Latest Feature
From Africa to the World: Connecting African innovators and ideas to industry
Latest Feature
There is a disconnect between industry, angel d
Africa needs a strong cohort of drug discovery scientists to respond to the therapeutic needs of the continent
Latest Feature
The common practice of using commercial market
Funding bold African innovations addressing health and development challenges
Latest Feature
Nairobi, Kenya, 22 May 2020 -
Climate change to cause abrupt species loss this century
Latest Feature
Recipients of the 2020 FLAIR fellowships announced
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences and the
This is the best time to plan for urban Africa’s next health emergency
Latest Feature
Health, it turns out, is everybody’s business.
The COVID-19 pandemic is giving African scientists a chance to shine
Latest Feature
By proving themselves in coronavirus response,
COVID-19 African Research Efforts - Take the Survey
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) through i
Evidence Leaders Africa (ELA) Conference for AAS Scholars and Researchers postponed
Latest Feature
Thank you for responding to our call for abstra
Few clinical trials are done in Africa: COVID-19 shows why this urgently needs to change
Latest Feature
Clinical trials are the foundation of any new m
Supporting organizations to quickly respond to the Covid-19 pandemic
Latest Feature
“In this global crisis, it is important for org
Nurturing and supporting the next generation
Latest Feature
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) have always
Promoting the inclusion of more African women in science
Latest Feature
African innovators tackle antimicrobial resistance
Latest Feature
African innovators to improve access to quality water, sanitation and hygiene
Latest Feature
Forty promising African early career scientists selected
Latest Feature
$72M invested to accelerate research in Africa
Latest Feature
African Researchers Tackle Infectious Diseases
Latest Feature
A Grand Challenges Africa Opportunity: Funding to improve maternal and child health in Africa
Latest Feature
Winners of the Africa Science Desk Journalism prize are announced
Latest Feature
We have moved our domain to .africa
Latest Feature
African scientists map the genomic resources of the continent
Latest Feature
African innovators discovering new drugs for diseases endemic to Africa
Latest Feature
Fresh ideas engaging the public in science funded
Latest Feature
Calling for applications: Africa Science Desk Journalism Awards
Latest Feature
Information on the launching workshop of the CR4D AAS research project
Latest Feature
African Scientists to be Profiled at Landmark Scientific Meeting
Latest Feature
The AAS holds inaugural public lecture
Latest Feature
Four early career African scientists selected to meet Nobel Laureates
Latest Feature
Fellows of The AAS Champion use of Evidence in Decision-making
Latest Feature
21 innovative research projects funded to tackle climate change in Africa
Latest Feature
AMARI 2018 ASM: “Building networks for mental health research excellence in Africa”
Latest Feature
Meet DELGEME Post-Doc, PhD and MSc fellows (2016-2017)
Latest Feature
Scientists to champion use of evidence by African governments
Latest Feature
Africa’s future scientific leaders
Latest Feature
African Academy of Sciences and the South African Medical Research Council tackle antimicrobial resistance in Africa
Latest Feature
The AAS hosts the European Research Council President Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Latest Feature
15 African researchers to receive £1.5M to conduct research on impacts of climate change in Africa
Latest Feature
The African Academy of Sciences Announces New Game Changing Programme to Strengthen Research Management in Africa
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Supporting Plan S, a model making research accessible and advancing science globally
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AAS appoints Elizabeth Marincola as Senior Advisor for Communications and Advocacy
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R10 million to support innovative health technologies in maternal and neonatal care across Africa
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15 African researchers to receive £1.5M to conduct research on impacts of climate change in Africa
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Academy Launches Global Standard for Transparent Research and Humanitarian Funding
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Seven early career scientists awarded AESA-RISE Postdoctoral fellowships
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New Afro-German partnership to accelerate progress to achieve SDGs for health
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Do you have a great idea to tackle water, sanitation and hygiene challenges?
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Rwanda leads the way in the adoption of a global standard to strengthen the governance of grant funding
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The African Academy of Sciences and partners invest in drug discovery in Africa
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Sub-Saharan Africa to receive £25M in new programme aimed at early career scientists
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Six early career scientists selected to attend Lindau meetings
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AAS Open Research publishes first articles showcasing scientific research from Africa
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Experts from the Global South urge developing countries to lead on solar geoengineering research
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African Academy of Sciences and the South African Medical Research Council tackle antimicrobial resistance in Africa
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African Academy of Sciences and partners launch researcher mobility funds Collaboration among African and Indian scientists to be facilitated
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Launch of the Commonwealth Academies of Science consensus statement on climate change
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Study calls for reform of national STI policies
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AAS programme intensifies support for research tackling climate change
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African scientists drive genomics research to tackle diseases endemic to Africa
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African Innovation Foundation and African Academy of Sciences sign MoU to drive STI-led research into solutions addressing challenges across the continent
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African Academy of Science to put its research on global stage with innovative new publishing platform
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Kevin Marsh Wins 2017 Drexel Prize in Infectious Disease
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Tom Kariuki appointed Honorary Professor of a prestigious UK university
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AAS expresses condolences for the death of its founding Vice President Prof Francis Allotey
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Evelyn Gitau steps down as Grand Challenges Africa Programme Manager
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Eight bold innovators selected for $1 M in funding
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AAS provides funding to build Africa’s science journalism capacity
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AAS announces appointment of new Executive Director
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Meeting showcases Africa’s ground breaking health research
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Meeting showcases Africa’s ground breaking health research
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DELTAS Africa Annual Grantees Meeting 2017
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AAS elects new members of the Governing Council
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SANTHE's Prof Thumbi Ndung'u wins $2.8 million Gilead grant
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Young African scholars selected to attend prestigious Nobel Laureate meetings
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SANTHE’s Dr Zaza Ndhlovu awarded $650 000 research scholarship
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AAS-AESA announces US$2 million investment to boost Africa’s scientific capacity
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The art of science: Africa Health Research Institute hosts an exhibition of the Wellcome Image Awards 2017
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African Academy of Sciences names Dr Tom Kariuki Interim Executive Director and bids farewell to Professor Berhanu Abegaz
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DELTAS Africa financial reporting workshop in Johannesburg
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DELTAS PI Appointed Head:School of Public Health at Wits University
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Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa to Ignite Innovation in Africa
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Centre of gravity for African research funding shifts closer to Africa
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Using gene drives
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The African Academy Of Sciences Issues Formal Protest At The Racist Remarks Made About Africa, Haiti And El Salvador By The American President, Donald Trump
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Research boost creates more opportunities for African scientists
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African scientists gather for Grand Challenges Africa meeting
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The AAS Develops A Standard For Good Financial Grant Practice
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The African Academy of Sciences unveils a historical mathematical tool
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African Leaders, International Partners Launch New Initiatives to Spur Scientific Research in Africa
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Big Picture (March 2023 issue)
This March issue of the AAS newsletter: The Big Picture features a series of articles from AAS' community of scientists covering Tuberculosis, water management and strengthening health systems. It also features funding opportunities as well as updates on upcoming conferences and events. If you don’t regularly receive our newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Big Picture (February 2023 issue)
This February issue of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) newsletter The Big Picture features an announcement on the new cohort of AAS Affiliates. It also showcases a few articles on improving the diagnosis of Buruli ulcer and the challenges of detecting digestive tract cancers. This issue also features fellowship opportunities for young African scientists.
The Big Picture (January 2023 Issue)
This January issue of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) newsletter The Big Picture features an announcement on the newly established AAS regional office in China. It also showcases a blog on the discovery of groundbreaking alloys for medical application from AESA-RISE grantee Michael Oluwatosin Bodunrin and features opportunities for postdoctoral researchers and young African scientists.
The Big Picture (August 2022 Issue)
This August issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on Africa’s biodiversity loss and the importance of molecular research. It features a series of opportunities in medical & health sciences, biotechnology and climate research.
The Big Picture (June 2021 Issue)
In addition to the continued focus on the response against COVID-19, this June issue of the AAS Big Picture features a series of blogs and case studies from AESA's community of scientists on using microorganisms to improve crop production, accelerating TB treatment in Africa and sequencing of antimicrobial resistance.
The Big Picture (May 2021 Issue)
In addition to the continued focus on the response against COVID-19, this May issue of the AAS Big Picture features a series of blogs and case studies from AESA's community of scientists covering climate change, genetic research in non-communicable diseases and Africa's knowledge economy.
The Big Picture (April 2021 Issue)
This April issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and highlights a broadcast interview on Covid 19 lessons for Africa and IAPs communiqué on reducing the impact of COVID-19 on inequalities in higher education. It features a series of blogs and case studies from AAS' community of scientists covering tick-borne diseases, adaptation to aeroallergens and promoting safe maternal health practices.
The Big Picture (March 2021 Issue)
This March issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and highlights an upcoming webinar on tackling vaccine hesitancy. It also features a series of blogs from AESA's community of scientists discussing childhood stunting in Africa and preventing mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B in Senegal.
The Big Picture (January/February 2021 Issue)
This January/February issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and features a blog series by the DELTAS Africa programme. It also features a series of blogs and case studies from AAS' community of scientists covering malaria, childhood diarrhoea and innovative sanitation services.
The Big Picture (December 2020 Issue)
This December issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and features artworks reflecting global truths about the disease. It includes a series of blogs from AAS' community of scientists covering diabetes and mental health, brucella, tuberculosis and hearing impairment in Ghana. Scientists are funded through the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA), a funding, agenda-setting and programme management initiative created in 2015 through a partnership of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), founding and funding global partners, and through a resolution of the summit of African Union Heads of Governments.
The Big Picture (November 2020 Issue)
This November issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and features a media article on Africa’s low death rates. It includes a series of blogs from AAS' community of scientists covering tuberculosis treatment gaps, eradicating malaria, farmers adapting to climate change and commercialising research and development innovations. Scientists are funded through the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA), a funding, agenda-setting and programme management initiative created in 2015 through a partnership of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), founding and funding global partners, and through a resolution of the summit of African Union Heads of Governments.
The Big Picture (October 2020 Issue)
This October issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and highlights IAPs communiqué on the development and distribution of vaccines. It includes a series of case studies from AAS' community of scientists covering malnutrition, malaria, genomics and HIV prevalence rates. It also features a blog on research costing.
The Big Picture (September 2020 Issue)
This September issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and includes surveys to collate scientist's experiences for procuring R&D reagents and equipment and to map out Research & Development interventions. It also includes a series of blogs and case studies from AAS' community of scientists covering priorities to achieve Africa’s food security, reducing maternal depression, barriers to malaria interventions and effects of waste water pollution. This issue also features opportunities in horticulture, environmental policy, media and advocacy training.
The Big Picture (August 2020 Issue)
This August issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and includes an updated report on research and development goals for COVID-19 in Africa. It also includes a series of blogs and case studies from AAS' community of scientists covering genomics, using traditional medicinal plants, scrutinizing drug resistant Salmonella, exploring the adaptive capacities of fisheries and addressing deafness in Africa. This issue also features funding opportunities on migration research, environmental policy as well as the recently launched International Research Management Staff Development Programme.
The Big Picture (July 2020 Issue)
This July issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19, our 2019 annual updates and a series of blogs from AAS' community of scientists covering developing affordable titanium implants, harnessing solar power, improving blood screening and scientific priorities for climate change and maternal health. It also features funding opportunities in drug discovery, the recently launched International Research Management Staff Development Programme, and the call for applications for the AAS Affiliates Programme.
The Big Picture (June 2020 Issue)
This June issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the continued response against COVID-19 and includes a report on physical distancing measures by African governments and its impact, it also highlights developing an African scientists directory, the AAS Future Campus, improving the livelihoods of dairy farmers and a blog from the former President of the Republic of Mauritius Professor Ameenah Gurib Fakim.
The Big Picture (May Issue)
This May issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on Africa's research priorities for COVID-19, AAS Future Campus, understanding African genes in the fight against malaria and ensuring equal opportunity for women in science. It also highlights funding opportunities in natural environment research, water pollutants, FLAIR fellowships and various science awards.
The Big Picture
This April issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the AAS' response to coronavirus in Africa, ensuring equal opportunity for women in science, improving indoor air quality and using nanomaterials to provide clean drinking water. It also highlights funding opportunities in biological sciences, healthy longevity and food systems.
The Big Picture
This March issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the Coronavirus situation in Africa, innovative methods to fight drug resistance and unveils the new GGC website. It also highlights funding opportunities in cancer prevention, snake bite research, climate resilience and land resource governance....
The Big Picture
This January/February issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the inclusion of more African women in science, unveils the new cohort of AAS Affiliates and promotes the second phase of the DELTAS Africa programme. It also highlights the importance of open access research as well as opportunities in research.
Interesting science news from across the continent
This November/December issue of the AAS Big Picture focuses on the recent partnership between AAS and WHO, processing titanium alloys and why African scientists should apply for the Africa India Mobility Fund. It also highlights the importance of open access research as well as opportunities in research.
Origin of modern humans 'traced to Botswana'
This October issue of the AAS Big Picture showcases science in Africa tracing the origins of humankind, the fastest ants in the Sahara and exciting antimicrobial discoveries. It also highlights the importance of open access research as well as opportunities in both science journalism and biomedical research.
If you have content on science in Africa, funding opportunities or events feel free to email communications@aasciences.africa by 15 November 2019 for inclusion in the next issue of the monthly e-newsletter.
Ebola now curable after trials of drugs in DRC
In this September 2019 issue of The AAS Big Picture we showcase opportunities in both biomedical and social science research. We also highlight some amazing science in Africa on innovative solutions to health challenges. If you have content on funding opportunities, events or science in Africa feel free to email this to communications@aasciences.ac.ke for inclusion in this monthly e-newsletter.
Call for nominations: The AAS Fellowship 2019 NOMINATION DETAILS Call for The AAS Affiliates 2019
Apply for FLAIR Fellowships
The African Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society are accepting applications for the Future Leaders – African Independent Research (FLAIR) Fellowships until 15 May 2019. FLAIR fellowships provide the opportunity to build an independent research career in a sub-Saharan African institution and to undertake cutting-edge scientific research that will address global challenges facing developing countries. |
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African and UK research management professionals co-create resources to improve the profession
Press Release
Following a rigorous selection process, 12 teams from Africa and UK were selected.
Study sheds light on what it takes for women to succeed – or not – in science in Africa
Press Release
(courtesy: THE CONVERSATION, 01 November 2020)
The benefits of integrating the diagnosis of depression and diabetes treatment
Press Release
(courtesy: THE CONVERSATION, 27 October 2020)
How to get Malawian men more involved in antenatal care - and why it matters
Press Release
(courtesy: THE CONVERSATION, 27 October 2020)
COVID-19: examining theories for Africa’s low death rates
(courtesy: THE CONVERSATION, 07 October 2020)
Barriers to malaria interventions in Ghana
Press Release
(courtesy: African Thinker, 24 September 2020)
The impact of COVID-19 on women’s mental health
Press Release
(courtesy: African Thinker, 21 September 2020)
A Consensus Study Report on Heritable Human Genome Editing
Press Release
This report does not make judgments about whether any clinical uses of a safe and effective HHGE methodology, if established by pre-clinical research, should at some point be permitted. ...
Continental bodies collaborate to boost science granting councils
Press Release
The Association of African Universities (AAU) has announced it is collaborating with the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) to strengthen the continent’s science granting councils under the Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI)...
Addressing Long Term Care for Nigeria’s Aging Population
Press Release
Aging is associated with functional decline and health and social support needs. Traditionally, the responsibility of providing long term care and support for older persons has been accepted by African families...
Strengthening the Capacity of Africa’s Science Granting Councils in Research Management
Press Release
The Association of African Universities (AAU) is collaborating with the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) to implement the second phase of the Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) Research Management Project which will strengthen the capaci
Drivers of antimicrobial resistance in East Africa
Press Release
It is estimated that at least 700,000 people die annually from infections that are resistant to currently available antibiotics worldwide, and that by 2050, antibiotic-resistant infections will kill an estimated 10 million people per year worldwid
Bridging the gender gap for women in science in Africa
Press Release
Cognizant of the gender disparity in STEM, the AESA platform (Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa - a partnership of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) and African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)) with support from I
Four Health-Care Projects by MASS Design Group in Africa
Press Release
(courtesy: architectural record)
Nigeria: What to Know About COVID-19 Strains in Nigeria - Molecular Biologist
Press Release
(courtesy: Premium Times)
Nigeria: Coronavirus - Nigerian Lab to Roll Out Rapid Test Kits, Transform Africa's Testing Process
Press Release
(courtesy: Premium Times)
Setting research priorities to achieve quality maternal health care in Africa
Press Release
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is implementing the African Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Priority Setting programme, which is engaging Africa’s science lead
The African Academy of Sciences International Research Management Staff Development Programme – (IRMSDP)
The African Academy of Sciences and Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) UK are launching the International Research Management Staff Development Programme (IRMSDP) to contribute to the strand on developing individual capacit
Improving blood screening for safer transfusion practices
Press Release
Dr Sophie Uyoga is a medical research scientist, and an IDeAL fellow with an interest in blood transfusion and how to improve blood quality to aid patients’ recovery and survival post-transfusion.
Announcing the 2020 Africa-India Mobility Fund Awardees
The Africa India Mobility Fund (AIMF) was set up by the DBT/Wellcome Trust India Allian
Enhancing collaboration to strengthen Africa`s clinical trial capacity through an online platform
Without a cure or vaccine for COVID-19, it is likely the virus will continue to cause more deaths across the world. As of June 10, 2020, there are more than 1,096 COVID-19 clinical trials in the world and these numbers are changing rapidly.
From Africa to the World: Connecting African innovators and ideas to industry
Press Release
There is a disconnect between industry, angel donors, venture capitalists and research in Africa.
Strengthening Africa’s ability to ‘decode’ the coronavirus
Press Release
NAIROBI — As a young boy growing up in rural Cameroon, Dr. Christian Happi couldn’t understand why his friends kept dying. The children would develop a high fever, start convulsing, and die soon after.
Why the rich must urgently help poor beat coronavirus
(Courtesy: The Standard)
We need to act fast, but also ensure that help is provided as humanly and as transparently as possible
This is the best time to plan for urban Africa’s next health emergency
Press Release
(Courtesy: Quartz Africa)
African scientists identify coronavirus priorities
Press Release
(Courtesy: Research Professional News)
Life-saving interventions for resource-strained health settings trump basic biology research
Coronavirus will play out very differently in world's poorest nations
(Courtesy: New Scientist)
The new coronavirus may prove disastrous for the world’s poorest people, including those living in slums and refugee camps.
What coronavirus genomes can tell us about the pandemic—and science—in Africa
(Courtesy: Science in Africa Magazine)
Africa’s scientists have had to pick testing over genome sequencing for a coronavirus vaccine
(Courtesy: Quartz Africa)
Few clinical trials are done in Africa: COVID-19 shows why this urgently needs to change
(Courtesy: The Conversation)
Taiwan, vaccines, Africa preparedness The EvidenceCoronavirus: The Evidence
(Courtesy: BBC UK)
The Evidence looks at what we know about the virus and the immune system, why does it cause mild or even no symptoms in some people but makes others very ill?
Stellenbosch University's FLAIR Fellows partner with UK experts
Dr Rossouw hopes her findings will benefit commercial fermentation practices and improve the environmental sustainability of the wine sector.
Kemri plan to produce cheap drug for cancer
The initiative by the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri), if successful, could dramatically reduce the cost of some crucial cancer medicines by up to 70%.
Africa Contributes SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing to COVID-19 Tracking
(Courtesy: TheScientist)
In recent years, laboratories on the continent have ramped up genomic sequencing capabilities, offering in-country analyses rather than outsourcing the job.
Another international FLAIR grant for Stellenbosch University engineering researcher
Tadie is also one of two SU researchers selected by the University to be part of the Department of Higher Education and Training's Future Professors Programme
Unlocking the life-saving secrets of African DNA
Core targets for treatment include cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disease.
Meet Nigerian Nneka, world-class physicist with big int'l award
Professor Francis Nneka Okeke is one of the few Nigerians who are making remarkable achievements in the academic world.
Harnessing the power of collective thinking
Progressive partnerships and collaborative efforts between The RSE and other global academies are invaluable for effectively addressing domestic and international societal challenges.
5 women in science that have changed the world
Here are five women scientists who deserve to be celebrated every day of the year.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science: 16 Prominent Nigerian Women That Have Inspired Young Ones
In a male-dominated space there are unique women who, despite all odds against them, have made excellent achievements just as their male counterparts in various fields of the Sciences.
Cell Free Protein Expression Market to surpass US$ 324.6 million by 2026
Cell free protein expression is vital step for study or research in proteomics, as protein can only be extracted if the cell free protein expression process is conducted through cell lysate.
We are using computer models to fight drug resistance
Continuously emerging strains of pathogens that are resistant to current drugs present a huge challenge for the eradication of infectious diseases.
Genomics Research in Africa: Taking Stakeholder Engagement Seriously
BioMed Central, United Kingdom, 18 October 2019
Funding boost for African academics to fight continent’s diseases
Times Higher Education, United Kingdom, 06 July 2018
SADC urged to address skills gap as to benefit from 4th industrial revolution
CNBC Africa, South Africa, 21 June 2018
Africa needs another million PhD scientists to develop homegrown solutions
Quartz, United States, 28 May 2018
The simple secret to groundbreaking science: work together
The World Economic Forum, Switzerland, 18 January 2018
AIF and African Academy of Sciences sign MoU to drive STI-led research
Ventures Africa, Nigeria, 16 November 2017
African scientists get their own open-access publishing platform
Nature, United Kingdom, 15 November 2017
Kenyan Wins $100,000 Grant for Device to Help Expectant Mothers
Voice of America, United States, 27 October 2017
Chinese varsity mulls partnership with African Academy of Sciences
Xinhua News, China, 5 September 2017
African scientists meet in Accra at DELTAS17 to exchange information
Graphic Online, Ghana, 3 July 2017
Innovations fund aims to save women and newborn babies in Africa
The Guardian, United Kingdom, 23 November 2016
Enter Africa innovation challenge for local health solutions
Bizcommunity.com, South Africa, 08 November 2016
Intra-African collaboration is key to global health and local well-being
Financial Times, United Kingdom, 09 May 2016
How Africa can close its continent-wide science funding gap
Yahoo! Finance, United States, 13 April 2016
Supporting the Development of Research Leaders in Africa
Huffington Post, United Kingdom, 11 April 2016
Twenty-nine early career scientists awarded CIRCLE Visiting Fellowships
NewsDay Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, 5 February 2016
New initiatives give science in Africa a much needed boost
The South African, South Africa, 5 January 2016
Closing the research gap between Africa and the rest of the world
The Conversation, United States, 16 September 2015
Africa: Sino-Africa Scientific Cooperation On the Right Track - Officials
AllAfrica, United States, 16 September 2015
Socking it to malaria just the start for Africa's new science alliance
The Guardian, United Kingdom, 10 September 2015
Press Release
Opportunity for young scientists to attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
| Nairobi, Kenya