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The Global Grant Community (GGC)

A global platform to promote transparency and strengthen the governance of grant funding worldwide.

Rethinking the way we do Funding

The Global Grant Community is a platform of the African Academy of Sciences. Our mission is to allow more money to flow to the people who need it by using the disruptive power of technology to digitize, standardize and de-risk the due diligence process for both funders and grant receivers. The Global Grant Community platform consists of; The Good Financial Grant Practice Standard, a portal-based pre-certification scheme and a certification scheme.

Reduce the cost and administration time for both grantors and grantees
Reduce the multiple number of audits and financial assessments
Raises the credibility of even the smallest grantee organizations onto a global stage
Improves chances to attract more fundingEnables targeted financial capacity building by grantors

Developed in Africa but used globally

The Global Grant Community creates an enabling environment for grantees and grantors across the world to share best practices in governance of grants.

231 + Registered Organizations

36 Countries

5 Continents