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Timelines for Next Steps in the 2020 GC Elections Process


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Timelines for Next Steps in the 2020 GC Elections Process

Dear AAS Fellows and Associate Fellows,

This is to provide you with Instructions on how to vote for members of the AAS Governing Council (GC) whose term will run from July 2020-2023. All candidates and members of the AAS electorate are hereby informed that:

  1. The last day and time for election campaigns is June 04 at 18:00HRS Nairobi time. Campaigns are completely prohibited during the voting period.
  2. The voting period is from June 04, 2020 at 23:00 HRS Nairobi time to June 11, 2020 at 01:00 HRS Nairobi time.
  3. The voting is strictly ONE PERSON ONE VOTE for each Governing Council position.
  4. Ballot papers received outside the voting period will be disqualified.

General Instructions

The Nominations and Election Committee (NEC) approved two candidates for the position of AAS President, two candidates for the position of AAS Treasurer, two candidates for the position of AAS Vice President for West Africa, and only one candidate for each of all the other positions. All approved candidates meet the eligibility criteria for respective positions. All AAS Fellows and Associate Fellows are invited to vote for the various candidates as  described below:

  1. For the position of AAS President for which there are two approved candidates, you are required to indicate the candidate of your choice by typing the candidate’s name in the space provided. Alongside each candidate’s name, are clickable links to their respective CVs (resume), nomination justification and vision statements.
  2. For the position of the Secretary General for which there is only one approved candidate, you are simply required to provide your endorsement of the only candidate by typing YES or if otherwise, you may type NO or NEUTRAL. Alongside the candidate’s name, are clickable links to his CV (resume) and nomination justification.
  3. For the position of Treasurer for which there are two approved candidates, you are required to indicate the candidate of your choice by typing the candidate’s name in the space provided. Alongside each candidate’s name, are clickable links to respective CV (resume), nomination justification and a statement on respective demonstrable capability and experience in financial and auditing systems compliance with Kenyan Law.
  1. For the position of Vice President for West Africa for which there are two approved candidates, you are required to type the name of the candidate of your choice. For each of all the other Vice President positions for which there is only one approved candidate, you are simply required to provide your endorsement of the only candidate by typing YES or if otherwise, you may type NO or NEUTRAL. Alongside each candidate’s name, are clickable links to respective CV (resume), nomination justification, and statements on their willingness and commitment to build and strengthen AAS in respective region and on the continent, and ability to host the AAS office in their respective institution.

Ballot Paper

The voting shall take place via an e-ballot that shall be e-mailed to all Fellows and Associate Fellows on June 04, 2020 through their e-mail addresses that are recorded in the Fellows database at the AAS Secretariat. The e-Ballot Papers will be sent out to all members of the AAS Electorate on June 04, 2020 at 19:00HRS Nairobi time.


The voting process requires each voter to:

    1. Indicate his/her choices on the e-ballot paper, for all the eight elective positions on the Governing Council.
    2. Send the filled-up e-ballot paper to the ALL the five e-mail addresses for independent tallying:;;;;


Please note that ballot papers not sent to ALL five e-mail addresses will be disqualified.

Announcing Results

After the end of the voting period, NEC shall tally and verify the results. This is scheduled to take place from June 12 to June 17, 2020. Results will be announced by June 18, 2020.