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Alkordi Mohamed H

Affiliateship: 2017 - 2021

Cohort 2

Country (Nationality)



Chemical Sciences


Mohamed graduated from the college of Science-Alexandria University, Egypt- in 2005 with B.Sc in chemistry and physics, and then immediately joined the graduate program at the University of South Florida-Tampa, USA- in fall 2005. He graduated with Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the USF in 2010 and then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology-KAUST, KSA, where he was a founding member for the center of functional materials design, discovery, and development. In July 2012 he joined the newly established Zewail city of science and technology, as a founding faculty, where he helped outlining the undergraduate programs in several areas, developing the admission exam, detailing the undergraduate handbook, and helped establishing several labs as well as the center for materials science (CMS) where he serves now as an associate professor and joint director. His scientific interests range from small molecules synthesis, construction of microporous solids through coordination and covalent synthesis, as well as mechanistic investigations of the self-assembly process in supramolecular chemistry.