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Chétima Melchisedek

Affiliateship: 2019-2023

Cohort 4

Country (Nationality)



Cultural Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences


10 years of progressive professional experience in African Studies with advanced expertise in Slavery and Memory of Slavery, Material Culture, Gender and Ethnicity, Boko Haram and Islamic Terrorism. A key objective of my forthcoming book “Boko Haram and Haman Yaji: Violent Insurgencies, Wealth Creation and Political Voices in the Lake Chad Basin borderlands” is to bring historically and politically contextualized understandings of religion and ideology to bear on public policies promoting political stability and social justice throughout the Lake Chad Basin. I am a consultant on the contemporary political, social and cultural climate in Central Africa, particularly in Cameroon, and have served as an expert for numerous non-governmental organizations.  

I am editing  Daily Life with Boko Haram in the Lake Chad Basin,  a collection of articles to be published in the top-ranked Canadian Journal of African Studies. My essays appear in Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines, Afrique Contemporaine, Cambridge Archaeological Anthropos, Anthropologica, Journal, Africa Spectrum, Journal of Asian and African Studies, African Studies Review, among others. I held a postdoctoral position at the Centre for African Studies (University of Basel, 2016-2017) and at the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (University of Ottawa, 2017-2018). This Year, I am a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Nantes, France. I have won to date fifteen fellowships from different university systems, and two awards including the 2017 Young African Scholar Award from Africa Spectrum in partnership with the Centre for Gender and African Studies at the Free State University (South Africa), and the 2015 Best paper on Central Africa from the Central African Studies Association. I am a Founding-Member of the Cameroon Academy for Young Scientists and have been nominated to be an Affiliate-Member of the African Academy of Science this year.