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Ebenezer F. Amankwaa

Affiliateship: 2020-2024

Cohort 5

Country (Nationality)



Cultural Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences


Dr Ebenezer F. Amankwaa is an Urban Geographer and a Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana. He is also a Visiting Fellow at Loughborough University, UK. He has previously worked as a Research Fellow at the United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) and a Fellow of the Bosch Pan-African College on Sustainable Cities.

His research interest spans across the fields of social, economic and development geography with specific focus on water, sanitation and energy infrastructure; informality, mobility and livelihood; environmental management; public health; and governance, policy and planning. He is particularly interested in promoting inclusive development and environmental sustainability, including an analysis of hybrid governance, climate change adaptation and the application of transdisciplinary research methodology. He has extensive experience working in multidisciplinary research teams to reduce the vulnerability and impact of extreme weather events for improved well-being in cities.

He has worked extensively on urban transformation and sustainability issues in Ghana which have shaped not only urban policies but also translated into interventions in low-income communities in Accra. He has over 20 high impact peer reviewed articles, technical reports and policy briefs to his credit. His research works have been published in reputable journals including Cities; Science of the Total Environment; Journal of Transport Geography; and Habitat International, among others.