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Eleanor Ochodo-Opondo

Affiliateship: 2021-2025

Cohort 6

Country (Nationality)



Medical & Health Sciences


Dr. Eleanor Ochodo-Opondo is a medical doctor and research scientist. She currently holds a joint appointment as a senior researcher at the Centre for Evidence-based Health Care in Stellenbosch University, South Africa and as an assistant principal research scientist at the Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya. Her research interests revolve around evidence-informed health care with a focus on diagnostic tests-their accuracy, impact and how their results can be translated to policy and practice. She serves as a methodologist/consultant to the World Health Organization (WHO) informing evidence review groups preparing guidelines on HIV and TB diagnostic testing and Covid-19. The National Research Foundation of South Africa recognized her as a promising young researcher in 2018 and nominated her for the 2020 Annual HOPE meeting with Nobel Laureates. She was recently awarded the prestigious 2019 UK MRC/DFID African Research Leader award and 2020 UK NIHR developmental award to advance the science of evidence synthesis and research translation in Africa focusing on collaboration between South Africa, Kenya and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the UK. In addition, she has been a lead investigator for previous research funded by the Wellcome Trust, WHO and Stellenbosch University. She serves as an academic editor with the Cochrane collaboration (infectious diseases group) and is on the editorial board of PLOS One journal. She supervises MSc and PhD students in Kenya and South Africa and is a past fellow of the African Science Leadership Programme.