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Eméline S.P. Assèdé

Affiliateship: 2021-2025

Cohort 6

Country (Nationality)





Dr. Eméline S.P. Assèdé is senior lecturer working in Ecology and Forest Management.

Graduated with BSc (in Agronomy) 2006, MSc (Management of Natural Resources) 2008, and PhD (Ecology and Conservation of Plant communities) 2014, all from the University of Abomey-Calvi, Republic of Benin, she successfully completed the international field course on Tropical Ecology and Conservation at Kirindy, Madagascar in 2004 (TBA), and two-years Postdoctoral study with Vice Chancellor Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Pretoria (UP) 2016-2018.

She has about 15 years of field and teaching experience in tropical forest and woodland ecosystems of West, Southern and Eastern Africa. She coordinated several research projects including: i) Degraded habitat Restoration and Participatory Conservation action plan for Threatened Orchid species in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Northern Benin), and ii) Managing protected areas and community forests to ensure ecosystems services for sustainable development and poverty alleviation, between Tanzania and Benin. She authored and co-authored more than 30 scientific publications. From her previous works, she developed an optimal fuel wood harvesting technique that improve productivity and biodiversity of Sudanian woodland. She initiated and is the chair of the “Be the Best (BTB)” Award to promote excellence in student community since 2019. As a recognition of her excellence in sciences, she has been promoted as senior lecturer in 2017 and Deputy Secretary of the core board of Academy of Young Scientists of Benin (AJSB) (since 2018). The mains challenge of Dr ASSEDE is to use African answers to address and solve African problems.