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Eric D. Nana

Affiliateship: 2021-2025

Cohort 6

Country (Nationality)





Dr. Eric D. Nana is from Cameroon. He holds a PhD in Ecology from Charles University in Prague, in the Czech Republic. His current research interests are centred around solving the problematic cocktail of biodiversity loss on the one side and vulnerability, poverty, exclusion from resources, financial interests and drivers of illegal wildlife use on the other side. Currently, he works for the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) in Cameroon where he investigates plant animal interactions in agroforestry systems and elevational gradients. He also coordinates a three-year project funded by the Franklinia Foundation that will reintroduce at least 5000 young trees of the Critically Endangered African zebrawood (Microberlinia bisulcata) in Cameroon’s proposed Ebo forest National Park. He serves as a visiting lecturer in two universities in Cameroon and serves as the research officer for the Congo Basin Institute (CBI). The CBI is a multi-institutional research platform created by the University of California in Los Angeles to bring together universities, industries, and government to work together for enhanced environmental protection in Central Africa. He is  a member of the Society for Conservation Biology and currently hold the position of President of Cameroon’s Chapter.