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Fru Cho Jerome

Affiliateship: 2017 - 2021

Cohort 2

Country (Nationality)





Cho is a Senior-Instructor in the University of Buea.

I have a good background in Microbiology and Medical Laboratory Sciences, with my past work centred on immunoparasitology and molecular biology. I have worked in several field projects for the acquisition of primary research data. I have gained high expertise in directing and supervising field work/data collection and archiving for subsequent analysis, as well as developed communication skills in relating with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. I have equally gained student supervision skills and project development skills through my Ph.D. training programme both at the University of Notre Dame, USA and the University of Buea. I equally gained bench skills including microscopy, biochemical, cellular and molecular techniques applicable in most fields of the applied sciences, especially in immunology and parasitology. Through my Ph.D. research work, I published the first molecular evidence of P. vivax infection in asymptomatic subjects in Cameroon. Subsequently, I published additional papers and developed skills in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, through short courses and seminars, which are now exploited in teaching and research.