Affiliateship: 2018 - 2022
Cohort 3
Country (Nationality)
Physical Sciences
Prof Jelassi is an associate professor of physics in the National Centre for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (CNSTN) in Tunisia. He received the B.Sc degree in Physics from University of Tunis El Manar in 2002. Awarded as the first range student, he obtained the Tunisian government fellowship for master degrees and PhD studies in France. He obtained his Master diploma in atomic physics and lasers in 2003 and then his Phd in 2007 from the University Of Paris XI (Orsay-Paris). Between 2006 and 2009, he was in post doc positions in different French laboratories in Paris and Toulouse. In 2009, he becomes an assistant professor in CNSTN. He obtained its supervising diploma from the University of Tunis El Manar in 2014. In 2015, he becomes an associate professor in Nuclear and atomic physics . Dr. Haikel Jelassi is interested on many research fields in fundamental as well as in applied physics such as atomic, molecular and plasma physics. He's in charge of the construction of the first Tunisian atomic clock. He's interested also in the research reactors and plasma Tokomak reactors. He has authored more than 17 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as one patent. He has supervised several PhD and undergraduate students. He's also active through the Tunisian Physical Society in there he acts as a member of the national board. He organized several conferences and workshops probing several scoop for the North African and Arab regions. Dr Haikel JELASSI is a member of four journal’s editorial boards. He's regularly asked to review papers for publications in peer-reviewed journals. He’s TWAS young affiliate and member of the new born network TYAN network. Prof. JELASSI is always asked to referee proposals such as with the AUF (Agence Universitaire de Francophonie) or the COST network. Since 2012, he also acts as a technical assessor in time-frequency metrology with TUNAC the Tunisian Accreditation Body and OLAS the Luxembourgian Accreditation Boby. |