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Nasr Maha

Affiliateship: 2018 - 2022

Cohort 3

Country (Nationality)



Medical & Health Sciences


Dr Nasr is currently working as an Associate Professor and researcher of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, Egypt. She is teaching several pharmaceutical courses and pursuing research in the field of drug delivery and formulation since 2003. Dr. Maha has been awarded two research travel grants (six months each) funded by the government at the University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom and the University of Leiden, Netherlands. She is also an awardee of the Daniel Turnberg UK/Middle East travel fellowship for initiation of research collaboration with the University of Bradford, funded by the Wellcome Trust. Dr. Maha is currently leading a large team of researchers (28) in several projects which are either non-remunerated or funded by agencies in Egypt, in collaboration with several Egyptian and foreign universities as well as Egyptian pharmaceutical companies and research institutes.