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Ossénatou Mamadou

Affiliateship: 2021-2025

Cohort 6

Country (Nationality)



Physical Sciences


Dr Ossénatou Mamadou is a lecturer at the Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, she is also a member of ‘Laboratoire de Physique du Rayonnement’ within the University of Abomey-Calavi (Bénin). Graduated in Energy and Atmospheric from University of Abomey-Calavi and University of Grenoble (France), she held a postdoctoral position in Biosystem Physics Unit at the University of Liege (Belgium) where she investigated impact of climate and management on the carbon balance of an intensively managed grassland. Her research mostly emphasizes on the underlying physical processes in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and their relationship with the climate, to propose a better parameterization tools of these processes. She is the lead researcher of an AIMS NEI Women in Climate Change Science (WiCCS) funded project that is investigating the dominant modes in the Beninese high frequency turbulent fluxes. Dr Mamadou is also leading a regional project, funded by Organization for Women in Sciences for the Developing World (OWSD) Early Career Fellowship that intends to identify the role of these exchanged fluxes between various ecosystems and atmosphere in the West African Climate. She is co-directing the WP2 of the French initiative LMI REZOC. Dr Mamadou has received a number of prestigious prizes, awards and research fellowships among which one has: the AIMS WiCCS and IPCC awards, an OWSD EC and a Wallonia Region Fellowships, IFS and ARES research grants, 1st prize of the best oral presentation at the 26th conference of AIC, 3rd UNESCO prize for the promotion of young students to embrace studies in basic science. Overall, she enjoys teaching and loves sharing her experiences with the young generation for motivating them.