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Sara Abdelsalam

Affiliateship: 2020-2024

Cohort 5

Country (Nationality)



Mathematical Sciences


Dr Sara is an Associate Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Engineering, The British University in Egypt. She earned her PhD from the Faculty of Science, Helwan University in 2013. In 2014, she was awarded The Best PhD Thesis in Applied Mathematics from the Egyptian Mathematical Society. She received the Fulbright Scholar award to conduct her research in the University of California Riverside and Caltech in 2015-2016. She was then awarded the BUE Best Publication award in 2017-2018. Dr Sara has also been granted the TWAS-UNESCO Associateship to visit the Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, in summer 2017 and in 2019. She has also been nominated by The World Academy of Sciences to attend The Future Leaders Programme and the STS forum by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in 2018. She has been selected by the Fundación de Mujeres Por Africa for a fellowship program at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Madrid in 2020. She is further an international journal reviewer to many journals, a member in the editorial board of some peer reviewed journals, and a member in the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing Countries, a member in the Egyptian Mathematical Society, and a member in the International Society of Muslim Women in Science. Dr Sara is currently focusing on solving problems of peristaltic transport that tackle bio-nanofluids inside the human body. She believes that “As for everything else, so for a mathematical theory: beauty can be perceived but not explained” Arthur Cayley.