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Zofou Denis

Affiliateship: 2016 - 2020

Cohort 1

Country (Nationality)





Zofou is a Senior Lecturer and researcher at the University of Buea.
He researches new therapies for tropical and non-communicable diseases such as malaria and diabetes, respectively, using traditional medicine. He has been working with collaborators to identify and develop new drug molecules and to design phytomedicines from partially purified plant extracts. Dr Zofou and collaborators have made a substantial contribution towards exploring the African pharmacopoeia, as an available and affordable alternative source of new therapies for the treatment of malaria in particular. They have succeeded in isolating and testing more than 50 pure compounds from selected medicinal plants used in in Cameroon as antimalarials.
Dr Zofou is currently leading two research projects:  focusing on lead development for malaria treatment from selected compounds previously identified, and a second project aimed at designing two improved antimalarial phytomedicines from medicinal plants.

He has co-authored a book chapter on African medicinal plants and their pharmacological properties and 28 scientific articles in internationally renowned journals and won the 2014 TWAS-ROSSA Young Scientists Prize in Applied Sciences, in recognition of his studies on anti-malarial products for the treatment of drug resistant malaria. Dr Zofou is a member of editorial boards of the Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials in the US and Corresponding Editor of the International Journal of Ethnomedicine and Pharmacognosy in Nigeria. He has contributed as reviewer in several scientific journals.