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Abdool Karim, Salim

Elected: 2011

Country (Nationality)

South Africa


Medical & Health Sciences


Prof. Abdool Karim obtained his PhD in 1999 from the University of Natal in South Africa.

Currently, he is Scientific Director of CAPRISA (Center for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa), President of the South African Medical Research Council, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Research at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, and Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University of New York.  

He is Chair of the UNAIDS Scientific Expert Panel and an elected Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences and is a Foreign Associate Member of the US Institute of Medicine. He is the recipient of “TWAS Prize in Medical Sciences” and the Gold Medal Award from the Academy of Science in South Africa.

His contributions to microbicides for HIV prevention spans two decades and culminated in the CAPRISA 004 tenofovir gel trial which provided proof-of-concept that antiretroviral drugs can prevent sexually transmitted HIV infection and herpes simplex virus type 2 in women. He is co-inventor on patents which have been used in several HIV vaccine candidates.

His clinical research on TB-HIV treatment has shaped international guidelines on the clinical management of co-infected patients. This sense of commitment to improving health through science and innovation has placed him among the world leaders in AIDS.