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Andriambololona Raoelina

Elected: 1985

Country (Nationality)



Physical Sciences


Prof. Andriambololona was educated at the University of Madagascar, and the University of Aix Marseille - France in 1956 where he obtained his Doctorate in Physics in 1967.

He became Professor in 1977 and served as Director of Physics Department in Antananarivo. He is the founding Director General of “Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires” (INSTN) of Madagascar.

He is TWAS Fellow, founding vice president of AAS and member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the scientific association AFRA and has 209 publications (2009). His research interest involves Elementary particles physics – Quantum Field Theory – Relativity – Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis – Spectroscopy Analysis of Radioactive and non-radioactive Malagasy ores; Radiation Protection – Environment Study. His honours include Fulbright exchange Professor of Milwaukee University, USA. He was awarded the “Grand Croix de l’Ordre National Malgache”.