Elected: 2021
Country (Nationality)
Dr. Kariuki is a Senior Principal Research Scientist at the Kenya Medical Research Institute/Centre for Global Health Research (KEMRI/CGHR) and the Malaria Branch Chief of the KEMRI, CDC and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) Collaborative Programme in Kisumu, Kenya. He has more than 30 years of hands-on experience in human health research focusing on the epidemiology and mechanisms of acquired immunity to infectious diseases, health systems research, clinical trials, entomology, disease surveillance, monitoring and evaluation and capacity strengthening. He is the recipient of several ongoing and completed multi-year research grants that addresses key areas of public health research . Dr. Kariuki has been involved in research that has influenced policy in malaria control -The use of Insectide-treated bednets for malaria control (Western Kenya bednet trial), use of low dose folic acid in pregnant women receiving sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in malaria endemic areas, the recently WHO-recommended RTS,S malaria vaccine. He possesses strong scientific, leadership and management skills through development and review of proposals, implementation of research projects, data analysis/interpretation, mentoring and supervision of graduate students and staff at different levels, dissemination of research findings and preparation/review of manuscripts. Dr. Kariuki has established strong linkages and collaborations with biomedical scientists in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and USA. In his current position as the Chief of the Malaria Branch, he oversees and provide scientific leadership and administrative support to more than 500 staff working in more than 20 research projects. He is the chair of the National Malaria Control Programme Operations Research Committee of Experts and has extensive experience in translation of research to policy. He is a reviewer of several international peer-reviewed journals including: The Lancet, Lancet Infectious Diseases, Malaria Journal, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Parasites and Vectors, Global Health Action and Journal of Public Health and Infection.