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Fernandes Tito Horácio

Elected: 2016

Country (Nationality)



Agricultural & Nutritional Sciences


TITO FERNANDES, Mozambican/Portuguese born Maputo 1948, DVM (Lisbon), MSc (1972 Nutrition), PhD (1975 Agricultural Biochemistry) (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), DSc (1983 Biotechnology), 6 titles Doctor Honoris Causa (Cluj Napoca, Bucaresti, Timisoara, Stara Zagora, Ljubjana, Skopje). Full Professor, 1985, U. Lisbon. Fellow of African Academy of Sciences, Academia de Ciências de Moçambique, Real Academia de Doctores de España, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Portugal. Honorary Fellow of Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária (Brazil).

12 years Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Lisbon University. Founder of EAEVE- European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education, and Pre3sident for 6 years (3 mandates), Wien, Austria (97 Universities from 35 countries), and still Honorary President for Life. Evaluated and accredited over 100 Universities all over the world. President of Professional Veterinary Medicine College of Portugal.

Official Advisor and Evaluator for the European Commission General Directorates and Programs (DG R&D, Agriculture, Education, SANCO-Health and Consumer; Tempus, Alpha). For 15 years officially elected member of SCAN/EU (Food Safety) in Brussels and 3 years in the Scientific Committee of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in Parma, Italy. Nominated by the EC to collaborate in the design of R&D Political Agenda (“5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programs). Member of the Project “Tuning for Educational Structures” source of the Bologna Process (Higher Education). Founder member of TEEP/ ENQA- “European Network on Quality Assurance”, presently ENQA - the European Agency for Quality Assurance and Control in Europe.

Published over 230 papers and 21 books. Editor or from the Editorial Board of several Scientific Journals.


Back in Mozambique in 2005 as Full Invited Professor at Eduardo Mondlane University, and from 2007 as Research Director and Advisor to the Vice Chancellor at Lúrio University, Nampula, Mozambique. Member of CNAQ – National Council for Quality Evaluation of Ministry of Science & Technology. Member of Regional Committee for Africa (Pretoria) of ROA-ICSU (International Science Council). Advisor to the Minister at the Ministry of Education and Human Development (2015-2016).