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Ghai Dharam Pal

Elected: 1990

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Cultural Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences


DHARAM PAL GHAI is a Diplomat, Official. Chief, Research Branch, World Employment Program(s), International Labour Organisation (Office). Society for International Development, Kenya. Ghai, Dharam Pal was born on June 29, 1936 in Nairobi, Kenya. Son of Bastiram and Vidya (Vati) Ghai. He attended the Queen's College, Oxford University, 5558, Bachelor of Arts Philosophy, Political & Economy, 1958-1959, B Philosophy Economy. Yale University, 1959-1961. Master of Arts Economy, Doctor of Philosophy Economy. He was Lecturer in economics Makerere University College, Kampala, Uganda, 1961-1965, a Visiting research fellow Economic Growth Center, Yale University, New Haven, 1965-1966, Senior research fellow Institute Development Studies, University Nairobi, 1966-1967 and director economic research, 1967-1974.

Ghai was also Chief world employment program International Labor Organization, Geneva, 1973-1974, chief technical secretariat, 1975-1976, chief research employment political branch, 1977-1987. Director United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 1987-1997. Advisor International Institute Labour Studies, International Labor Organization, since 1999. Board directors Graduate Institute Development Studies, Geneva, French Institute of Science Research for Development Studies, Paris. Trustee Minority Rights Group, London. Senior economist Pearson Commission, Washington, 1968-1969.

His Interests include Development problems, international economics system. Swimming, tennis, photography, travel.