Elected: 2021
Country (Nationality)
Medical & Health Sciences
Professor Habiba Bouhamed Chaabouni is emerita of medicine at the University of Tunis El Manar. She is fellow of ‘’French National Academy of Medicine’’ and fellow of ‘’ Tunisian Academy of Science and Arts’’, former director of science department, and laureate of the prestigious ‘’L'Oréal-UNESCO award’’ for Women in Science.
Physician and scientific researcher, Dr. Bouhamed is a pioneer in human genetics who faced the challenge of developing genetics in medical and health areas and succeeded to establish very early the national medical genetics board. Graduated in medicine and science, she put together her knowledge and skills for the benefice of students, patients and community. She aimed to demystify genetic and hereditary disorders, she founded and directed for many years the first specific clinical department in the region to offer adequate facilities to patients and families, (diagnosis, counseling, management as a first step to personalized medicine). As director of genetics department at the Tunis faculty of medicine, she developed program for undergraduate students and later a master degree in human genetics and PhD degree in health biology. Her research activities started on consanguinity risks of recessive disorders and complex diseases. Then she carried out several molecular studies focusing on common and rare genetic diseases and developed her expertise in chromosomal and molecular research. Director of laboratory research in human genetics, she empowered local scientific research and established an international collaboration leading to the identification of novel genes, mutations, chromosomal abnormalities and disorders. Elected as member of the first Mediterranean Science Team-MEDNIGHT-August 2021. Member of the five experts’ committee to implement the Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions (MAK’IT). Member of the Arab Network of Women in Science. She received several awards for her groundbreaking achievements and contributions to scientific progress in Tunisia, Africa, Arab World and Mediterranean region.