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Hichem Eleuch

Elected: 2019

Country (Nationality)



Physical Sciences


Prof. Hichem Eleuch was born in Sfax, Tunisia. He received his Diplom-Ingeniuer Univ. (Electrical and Information Engineering) from Technical University of Munich in 1995. He obtained his PhD in Quantum Physics from Kastler Brossel Laboratory at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris and Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France in 1998. 

His research interests are in quantum optics, quantum computing, matter-radiation interactions, low dimensional quantum systems, mathematical physics, and complex systems and applications.

He worked at and visited several prestigious universities and research institutes (Texas A&M University, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Princeton University, McGill University, Auckland University, University of Montreal, etc.). He is a full professor in Physics at University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia. Recently, he also joined University of Sharjah (UoS) as a full professor.

Dr. Eleuch authored and co-authored more than 170 papers in peer-reviewed international journals. He participated in over 70 international conferences and gave more than 40 invited talks. He has refereed articles for more than 50 journals of physics (Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Physical Review Letters, etc.) and Mathematics journals (Applied Mathematics and Computation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, etc.). He also reviewed work for MITACS (a Canadian Funding Agency). He has successfully supervised and graduated more than 15 (PhD and MSc) students and also monitored several Postdoctoral Fellows. 

He has been awarded several fellowships (from the Fulbright Foundation, Max Planck Society, and the International Center of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy).