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Materechera Simeon

Elected: 2017

Country (Nationality)



Agricultural & Nutritional Sciences


Simeon Materechera is a Professor of Soil Science at the North West University, South Africa, as well as Director of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems at the same institution. His research has revolved around managing soils for food production using sustainable low external input systems appropriate for smallholder and subsistence agricultural systems including indigenous fruits and vegetables. The research extends a wide spectrum of areas including soil science, agronomy, agro forestry, agricultural water management, indigenous knowledge systems and soil tillage. Through this research, Prof Materechera has supervised and mentored postgraduate and postdoctoral students.  He has been the recipient of several awards including the K.P. Barley Prize.

Professor Materechera has published widely including book chapters, conference presentations, monographs, commissioned research reports and peer-reviewed journal articles. He serves on the editorial boards of a number of journals He has led the designing and implementation short-Learning Programmes which the University are used for generating income. He has provided strategic leadership in developing new niche academic programmes including designing of curriculum and teaching guides that have enhanced the quality of teaching and learning at tertiary institutions in Canada, Australia, Norway, Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa. He has provided leadership for the creation and setting up of a new multi-disciplinary research entity on Food Security and Safety


He has provided commissioned research and consulting services to various government and international development such as the Departments of Land Affairs, the Development Bank of South Africa, and the Policy Unit of the office of the presidency. His career has involved networking activities that led to setting up of collaborations with peers, organizations and institutions involved with research, teaching and learning, and, community engagement. He serves as member of expert review and advisory panels for the NRF, ARC, DST and the Namibian National Commission on Research, Science and Technolog