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Mutapi Francisca

Elected: 2015

Country (Nationality)





Dr Mutapi holds a readership in global health at the University of Edinburgh, UK. She conducts basic scientific research integrating immunology, molecular biology, parasite biology, quantitative studies and fieldwork to build an evidence base used to inform stakeholders, governments and funding organisations on global helminth control policy formulation and implementation.

Dr Mutapi‘s scientific accomplishments include both fundamental science advancements and translational outputs. To date she has published over 70 peer-reviewed manuscripts including influential papers on schistosome immunology and epidemiology. Her work has influenced research prioritization, health policy and practice. In terms of health impact, her work has led to policy revision through the World Health Organization making millions of pre-school children eligible for schistosome treatment. She has also contributed to the implementation of Zimbabwe’s national helminth control programme, targeting close to 5 million school children annually and currently heads a team of independent scientists monitoring and evaluating the programme. She has an excellent record in postgraduate supervision having supervised postgraduate training for more than 20 young scientists from Africa and Europe. Through membership of the African Science Leadership Program and various science strategic/research boards, she is helping shape the research agenda of science in Africa.

Recognitions: membership in national and other academies, prizes:

2011-currently: Elected Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland

2015-currently: Fellow, African Science Leadership Program

1993-1997: Beit Scholarship to study for a PhD at the University of Oxford

1991: University of Zimbabwe Prize for best BSc Hons Science graduate

In addition to these she has also won the following competitive fellowships:

2005-2010: Research Fellowship, Research Councils UK Fellowship (RCUK)

2002-2005: Medical Research Council (UK) Training Fellowship

1999-2001: Junior Research Fellowship, Linacre College, University of Oxford