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Ntoumi Francine

Elected: 2017

Country (Nationality)



Medical & Health Sciences


Ntoumi has spent the past 15-20 years in developing health research capacities in Africa in general through the Multilateral initiative on Malaria that she led from 2007-2010 and then in Central Africa since 2010 by leading the Central Africa network on Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Malaria and the Congolese foundation for medical research in the republic of Congo. She established this institution in the republic of Congo in 2008 and today it is the most efficient (publications and grants record and infrastructure) and organized health research institution in the country.  This leadership has been recognized nationally, regionally and internationally.

She has been highly engaged in promoting and advocating for increased financial support to health research activities conducted in sub-Saharan Africa by African scientists. As a result, her institution has got financial support from the local oil company since 2011. It was the first time in the country to get such support. Most importantly, in 2010 she created the first molecular biology of the unique public university in the republic of Congo and this facility has contributed to train most of the students in health science.

Finally in 2012, her lab has been the first in the country to use the fingerprinting for the identification of individuals (after the explosion that carried out in Brazzaville causing more than 200 deaths).