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Tasawar Hayat

Elected: 2020

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Mathematical Sciences


Tasawar Hayat is working as a Professor of Mathematics at Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad, Pakistan. He received the M.Sc and (M.Phil, PhD) degrees in Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) in 1992 and (1994, 1999) respectively from the QAU.  His fields of interest include fluid mechanics, mathematical modeling, simulation, biomechanics, wave mechanics, nonlinear differential and integral systems, fractional calculus, complex network systems, nanomaterials etc. He has already supervised more than one hundred (PhD and M. Phil) students. He is Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), and Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IWAS). He is recipient of several international and national awards and honors. These include Khwarizmi International Award, ISESCO International Award, ISESCO International Prize, COMSTECH International Award, TWAS Young Scientist Prize, Obada International Prize, Abdus Salam Prize, Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, several gold medals and many others. He is principal investigator/co-investigator of seventeen research projects. He participated as an invited speaker in many national and international workshops and conferences.