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Toteu Felix S.

Elected: 2013

Country (Nationality)



Geological, Environmental, Earth & Space Sciences


Prof. Toteu is a Precambrian geologist with close to 40 years’ experience. He started his career in 1982 as Research Officer at the Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IRGM) in Cameroon which, he left in 2007. During this period, he made significant contribution to the understanding the Precambrian geology of Central Africa, collaborating with various institutions across the world (France, USA, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and South Africa). He succeeded in building an impressive database on the isotopic geochronology of Central Africa. He also contributed significantly to various maps in Cameroon and in Africa (Tectonic Map of Africa, Seismotectonic Map of Africa). As from 2007, moved to southern Africa to teach and conduct research in various universities in Botswana and in South Africa where he made a significant scientific contribution to the “Africa Alive Corridors” initiative. He joined UNESCO in 2010 to coordinate the UNESCO’s Earth science program in Africa. In this context, he successfully designed and implemented continental-scale projects, including the setting up of the “African Network of Earth Science Institutions”, an important platform to promote South-South cooperation and boost skill development in African Earth science institutions. He served the scientific community in various capacity including as President of the Geological Society of Africa (2004-2008), Member of the Nominating Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences (2008-2011), Member of the Board of the International Year of Planet Earth representing Africa (2007-2010) Member of the UNESCO/IUGS/IGCP Scientific Board (2008-2010), Treasurer of the African Academy of Sciences (2015), and Chair of the Advisory Committee of the EU-funded PanAfGeo project (2016-2019) to capacitate the African Geological Surveys. He is currently serving as President for Africa of the Commission of the Geological Map of the World, and as Council Member of the Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST). Prof. Toteu is an accomplished science diplomat on behalf of African Earth Science. He also contributed to various Earth science journals either as the Editor, member of Editorial Board, or Guest Editor for various Special Issues.