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Grantees Profile

Mohamed Taha Rouabah

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Project: Light Scattering, Quantum Information & Quantum Simulation by Cold Atoms

Grantee Description

Country of nationality:


Research area:

Quantum Optics

Host Organisation & country:

Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University (UFMC1), Algeria


Atoms are the basic component of matter but, their microscopic size makes them difficult to understand. Cooling atoms make them easier to manipulate, and many quantum phenomena can be observed using cold atoms. Cold atoms can be used to simulate other more complicated quantum systems for instance in condensed-matter physics, high-energy physics, quantum chemistry—and even unreachable far cosmological systems.

Dr. Mohamed’s research will investigate ways of detecting and manipulating the properties of quantum systems for large scale use and application in various aspects of medicine, chemistry, drug design, climate change, food security and epidemic preparedness.

Grantee Description

Dr. Mohamed Taha Rouabah is an Associate Professor at Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University (UFMC1), Algeria. He received a Ph.D. in Physics in 2015, jointly delivered from Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University (UFMC1), Algeria, and Université Nice Côte dAzur (UNCA), France. His doctoral work focused on coherence effects in light scattering by atomic ensembles and quantum entanglement of coherent states.

Dr. Rouabah is captivated by exploring the fascinating quantum world and the several potential applications of quantum mechanics to improve calculations capacities and investigate yet unreachable states of matter.

Project: Light Scattering, Quantum Information & Quantum Simulation by Cold Atoms

The project aims to ensure high-quality training for junior scientists and engineers in theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum optics, cold atoms, and quantum simulation through collaborations with international teams having a confirmed experience in the field to create a multidisciplinary research team with both theoretical and experimental skills.

The principal objective of the project will be to set up the first cold-atoms experiments in Constantine and some of the rare to exist in Algeria and Africa. During this project, we aim to first achieve a basic cold atoms experiment, then upgrade the experiment to explore emerging "collective" phenomena such as super radiance, sub-radiance, and light-atoms entanglement and their applications in quantum information. The second objective is to build another cold atoms experiment to explore the quantum simulation of some specific topological phases of matter. The third objective of the project is to collaborate with cosmologists to tackle the possibility of simulating some cosmological phenomena using a cold atoms system.