Isaac Mugume
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Project: The Implications of the 1.5-2.0-degree C. to Uganda’s Climate, Agriculture and Water nexus
Grantee Description
Mugume is presently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Geography, Geo-informatics and Climatic Sciences in Makerere University, Uganda in the School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences and in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at Makerere University, Uganda. Mugume completed his Ph.D. in Meteorology at Makerere University in 2018 and graduated on 15th January 2019. His Thesis is “Optimizing Numerical Models for Operational Weather Forecasting in Uganda” which was funded by the project on “Improving Weather Information Management in East Africa for effective service provision through the application of Suitable ICTs”, i.e. WIMEA-ICT project under the NORHED program.
Mugume has a total of 14 years ’experience (8 years as Meteorologist/Weather Forecaster and 6 years of teaching and research). To date, Mugume has supervised 13 undergraduate students and 1 post graduate diploma student to completion. He's currently supervising 3 Masters students and has examined 1 Masters thesis. Isaac has published articles (https://sites.google.com/site/mugumesite/present-research) 13 in number in peer reviewed international scientific journals in the areas of weather, climate and computing. Isaac is an active researcher on WIMEA-ICT project, BREAD project, BRIGHT project and Water and Society (WaSo) project in the fields of weather and climate.
Project: The Implications of the 1.5-2.0-degree C. to Uganda’s Climate, Agriculture and Water nexus
Mugume is conducting a postdoc study supported by the African Academy of Sciences under the CR4D program and his study is considering the Climate-Agriculture-Water nexus in view of the projected 1.5-2.0-degree Celsius temperature limit. The project will involve regional climate modeling and make future climatic projections for Uganda; evaluate the potential of Uganda to meet the temperature thresholds and how the future climate will impact agriculture and water. The study is expected to contribute to national policies regarding agriculture and water especially the operational Wealth Creation and the Nile Basin Initiative.