Madaka Tumbo
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Project 6: Understanding the Findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report ‘’ Climate Change 2007- Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Development Planning.
Grantee Description
Madaka has more than fifteen years of experience in research and consulting in water resources assessments and management, Environmental Assessments hydrological modeling, climate change impact assessments and adaptation. For the past five years, she has been coordinating the African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) funded by the International Development Research Centre IDRC-Canada (www.accfp.org ). Currently, she is the Co-Lead for the Africa Climate Leadership Program (www.africlp.or.ke). The SIDA funded project that she is she is part of the implementing team looks at Linking Public-Private Partnership to Secure Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Kilombero-River Basin. She is also part of the Future Climate for Africa -UMFULA project which is also a multidisciplinary research project funded by DFID. Dr. Tumbo has participated in the development of Scoping Phase of the development of Climate Smart Agriculture Program for Tanzania subcontracted by Adam Smith International (DFID’s Climate Smart Agriculture Programme- Scoping Phase (2015). Dr. Tumbo was commissioned by ILRI to review Climate Change, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Securities Policy and Strategies in Tanzania. Dr. Tumbo has received international awards from part her research presented during the International Conference on Regional Climate - CORDEX 2013 a partnership between World Climate Research Program, European Union and IPCChttp://wcrp.ipsl.jussieu.fr/cordex2013/poster_best.shtml. The award was based on her work on assessing the Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrology of Rufiji River Basin: The case of the Great Ruaha River Sub Basin, Tanzania. Dr. Tumbo has published 12 papers in peer-reviewed journals. She is currently supervising two fellows that are part of the African Institute of Mathematical Science (AIMS). The two fellows apply mathematical models in developing climate solutions associated with extreme events (i.e. floods and droughts).
Project 1: Linking Public-Private Partnership to Secure Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Kilometre-River Basin
This project aims at establishing sustainable water resources management options and mechanisms firmly founded in state-of-the-science understanding for implementing public-private partnerships for the sustainable development of the Kilimo Kwanza policy in Tanzania. The project also explores the importance of pro-poor and inclusive growth in the implementation of the SAGCOT basically, who (what groups) are likely to gain most, and who might risk being marginalized. The broad question addressed by this research is, therefore; how can the natural resources and their associated biodiversity be managed to provide goods and services equitably and sustainably to the people?
Project 2: Africa Climate Change Leadership Program (AFRICLP)
The overall objective of the program is to develop the leadership capacity of African scientists, policy advisers and practitioners for advancement in current climate knowledge, long-term adaptation, decision-making, and climate action thus improving the effectiveness of science-policy-practice interface for positive impact in society.
Project 3: Technical Backstopping to Support the Assessment of Investment & Financial Flows to Address Climate Change in Developing Countries.
Assisted in the development of the Investments and Financial Flows user guide book and provide training that assisted developing countries ( Gambia, Niger, Namibia) to assess and develop policy options for addressing climate change across different sectors and economic activities, which could serve as inputs to convention negotiating positions. I was responsible for the water sector in the Gambia. The primary targets for capacity building were government officials drawn from various line ministries and government agencies across key economic sectors.
Project 4; African Climate Change Fellowship Program
The African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) supported African professionals, researchers, educators, and graduate students to undertake activities that enhance their capacities for advancing and applying knowledge for climate change adaptation in Africa. Participating Fellows received small grants that enable them to visit other institutions where they collaborate with mentors to implement individually-designed projects that.
Project 5: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation of Water Resources and Agriculture in Tanzania (CLIVET)
The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the development of capabilities of Tanzania to encounter the impacts of climate change and develop best strategies to adapt to these changes, particularly as they relate to water resources and the use of water within the agricultural sector. The project was implemented jointly by IRA, UDSM-Department of Water Resources Engineering, Tanzania Meteorological Agency and Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark.
Project 6: Understanding the Findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report ‘’ Climate Change 2007- Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Development Planning.
This project aimed at injecting the best available scientific knowledge from the IPCC Climate Change 2007 report and other sources into policy processes and decision-making in the targeted countries and regions. Specific objective: Broaden support for the integration of climate change mitigation and adaptation into national strategies for sustainable development and poverty reduction.