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Grantees Profile

Professor Nelson Sewankambo

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Training Health Researchers into Vocational Excellence in East Africa -2 (THRiVE-2)

Grantee Description

Professor Nelson Sewankambo, a world-renowned HIV and infectious diseases researcher at Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Uganda is leading THRiVE-2.

This is a training programme that aims to transform East African universities into world class research hubs for key emerging health issues in the region.

By training and developing the scientific careers of PhD students and post-doctoral fellows, THRiVE-2 will build on the successes of THRiVE, a regional network of research excellence, to create research leaders in infectious diseases, neglected tropical disease, maternal, neonatal and reproductive health, and non-communicable diseases.

With significant experience of training and mentoring many promising Ugandan scientists and delivering large training programmes, Professor Sewankambo has a strong record of achieving scientific excellence.

THRiVE-2 has already identified over 300 potential supervisors and mentors working on cutting-edge research to strengthen multidisciplinary collaborations. By working together in multidisciplinary teams, researchers can provide effective and long-term solutions to health challenges.