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Grantees Profile

Professor Sharon Fonn

Country (Nationality)

South Africa

Grantee Title

Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa+ (CARTA+)

Grantee Description

Professor Sharon Fonn at University of the Witwatersrand  is co-leading CARTA. It will continue to develop a critical mass of multidisciplinary researchers who work in research-supportive environments in Africa, with the aim of improving public and population health.

The programme builds on the achievements of CARTA – an initiative aiming to build and retain a vibrant African academy - by seeking to:

  • Maintain the pipeline of high-quality doctoral candidates and graduates
  • Institutionalise aspects of CARTA in African universities to ensure its impact
  • Foster career paths for high achieving fellows through post-doctoral positions and a range of mentorship and support.

CARTA+ will build on its multidisciplinary approach, encouraging research leaders to flourish and become ‘change agents’ in their universities. It will promote innovations that support a vibrant academic environment in Africa.

A key way of achieving this will be to strengthen links between universities and research centres to encourage collaboration over supervision of graduates and faculty visits to share best practice.

Professor Sharon Fonn is a public health specialist at the Wits School of Public Health where she played a role as the Head of the School for ten years and as acting Dean of the Medical faculty. She has a long history in capacity development at national and international levels.