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Grantees Profile

Subbiah Latha

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Project - Formulation and evaluation of magnetically triggerable smart tablets for improved ulcer therapy

Grantee Description

Latha completed a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai in India and master’s and PhD in pharmacy from the Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Presently, Latha is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Anna University. She has 20 years’ experience in higher education and research that she gained at Jadavpur University, Bharathidasan University and Anna University. Latha has broad knowledge in pharmaceutics / pharmaceutical engineering and pharmacology. Her research interests include the development of novel drug carriers using magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery. Latha is a visiting scientist to Technische Universität, Ilmenau, Germany; and the Yokohama National Universit and Shizuoka University in Japan. She has authored over 63 research publications and 12 book chapters and edited a book titled Nanobiopharmaceutical Technology – Applications and Perspectives published by Elsevier. She has so far supervised 46 postdocs, PhD and master’s students. She has been the recipient of the 2008 Tamil Nadu Young Scientist Fellowship for Young Scientists; the 2014 Tamil Nadu Young Women Scientist Award in Medical Sciences in recognition of outstanding research in pharmacy; the 2014 Late Smt. Shyama Dahiya Memorial Award for the outstanding pharmacy teacher and the 2018 Young Pharmacist Award from the Association of Pharmacy Professionals. She is a life member of many professional bodies.

Project - Formulation and evaluation of magnetically triggerable smart tablets for improved ulcer therapy

On the AIMF grant, Latha will be working at University of Ibadan, Nigeria with Professor Oluwatoyin A. Odeku. Latha is developing a smart magnetic tablet with omeprazole and ranitidine hydrochloride as model drugs and smart excipients including pH sensitive polymers for environment sensitive drug release. The proposed smart magnetic tablet shall aid the self-regulated drug release in the GI tract with increased gastric resident time, improved bioavailability and pharmacology at a relatively low dose, magnetic drug targeting at the site of action, less side effects due to reduced dose dumping, improved drug stability in the harsh GI environment and collectively an improved ulcer therapy. These smart tablets would provide self-regulated, on-demand, magnetic targeted and triggered drug delivery lead to significantly improved antiulcer therapy. The research results could be translated to the healthcare industry and clinical professionals for improved and smart drug delivery approaches.