Ousmane SY
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Project: Investigating population genetic structuring of Anopheles melas in Senegambia region
Grantee Description
Ousmane SY is a medical entomologist who completed his PhD in 2015, in addition to a certificate of medical parasitology. He has a great experience in field studies by working in various research projects on malaria transmission in Senegal. His first experience in research was in 2003 during his master’s degree where he evaluated malaria indicators in different transmission settings of Senegal. Between 2008 and 2012, he was appointed as a supervisor in a seasonal malaria chemoprevention pilot project led by the department of parasitology of UCAD and the LSHTM. From 2013 to 2015, he worked as entomologist in malaria elimination project in western central Senegal, evaluating the impact of several vector control measures on hotspots areas malaria transmission. The project was funded by the Medical Research Council, the Department for International Department and Wellcome. Since 2017, he has been a researcher at MARCAD and works on genetic structure of mosquitoes involved in malaria residual transmission.
Project: Investigating population genetic structuring of Anopheles melas in Senegambia region
Anopheles melas is one the species in the Anopheles gambiae complex contributing to a local transmission of malaria in the coastal areas because of its adaptation to salty water. The main purpose of this study is to generate information on genetic structure of this species along the Senegambian costal area. This will allow us to make a good geographical classification according to the genetic profile of An.melas in Senegal. The Gambia being in the same geographical context as Senegal, this study will be extended to the Gambian coastal zone to generate additional information on this species along the West African coast. This subregional approach will contribute developing useful guidance toward a common and more effective strategies for malaria prevention and elimination based on the vector genetic diversity and susceptibility to the panel of current insecticides used in public health.