Emiru Nega Chalie
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Areas of research interest: Water and climate
Grantee Description
Home Institution Hawassa University, EthiopiaHawassa University, Ethiopia
Host Institution University of Fort Hare, South Africa
Summary of research
The dependence of Ethiopia's economy on agriculture combined with the rain-fed nature of the country’s farming system makes it particularly vulnerable to the climate variability and change. The erratic nature of rainfall often results in crops failure. Changes in precipitation, temperature and hence evapotranspiration will affect crop water demand and irrigation water needs. In contrast, predicted increase in river flow in some months of the year is likely to cause floods. Overflowing of channels of both minor and major rivers and an abnormal rise in lake levels may flood agricultural fields and human settlements.In order to manage and mitigate against the impacts of climate change and variability, detailed studies of the changes and the resulting effects are necessary. This will help policies makers develop appropriate water resource policies that consider future climate change and ensure sustainable utilization of the resource. In this regard, my research will have its own contribution for policy makers.