Ms Gebremedhin Tigist Kibru
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Areas of research interest: Climate change, Forestry, Agroforestry, Carbon sequestration, Biodiversity, Seed Technology
Grantee Description
Home Institution Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Host Institution University For Development Studies (UDS), Tamale, Ghana
Summary of research
In 2004, World Vision Australia and World Vision Ethiopia initiated a forestry-based carbon sequestration project as a potential means of stimulating community development while engaging in environmental restoration. An innovative partnership with the World Bank, the Humbo Community based Natural Regeneration Project involved the regeneration of
2,728 hectares of degraded native forests. Following the success of the Humbo project, FMNR spread to the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia where 20,000 hectares have been set aside for regeneration, including 10-hectare FMNR model sites for research and demonstration in each of 34 sub-districts (Rinaudo, 2012). In addition, the Government of Ethiopia has committed to reforest 15 million hectares of degraded land using FMNR as part of a climate change and renewable energy plan to become carbon neutral by 2025 (UNDP, 2012). Even though the FMNR practices spread to Tigray region there is lack of research on FMNR and perception of farmers on climate smart agricultural practices in the area. More over the implication of the research output will be used for policy recommendation on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the study area.