Dr Joseph Kathiai Kurauka
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Areas of research interest: Agroforestry-Based Bioenergy Systems, Renewable energy, Climate Change Studies, Natural Resource Management.
Grantee Description
Home Institution Kenyatta University, Kenya
Host Institution University of Dar es Salaam
Summary of research
Rapid population growth has led to increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions which have led to adverse climate change. Over 65% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, are still without electricity or access to renewable energy. In order to mitigate impacts of climate change and conserve the environment for future generations, individuals, organizations, government as well as other concerned entities are innovating sustainable ways in which they can generate electricity and energy while in the process deriving a monetary benefit from the process. Trees are one of the most effective ways of harnessing the sun and turning it into usable energy, and trees can do this in a truly renewable way. Tree Based Integrated Food Energy System is a farming system that combines food crops and trees for wood energy production on the same farm. It aims at producing both food and wood energy on the same piece of land. Despite strong evidence linking benefits of agroforestry with community livelihoods, there is a dearth of studies linking farmers’ initiatives in renewable energy within the agroforestry system.