Mr Mulat Girma Muluken
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Areas of research interest: Climate change and Small holder Farmers Aspiration.
Grantee Description
Home Institution Wollo University, Ethiopia
Host Institution University of Nairobi, Kenya
Summary of research
Poverty and food insecurity remain as a major challenges of smallholder farmers in the developing nations. Though previous studies focused on the external factors (resource related)for the perpetuation of poverty, internal factors like aspiration failure are also found to play their own role. Thus, solving both the resource (external) factors as well as the internal constraints would have paramount significance in tackling the two challenges. However, limited researches have been done on how the individual aspiration is formed. Indeed, two process are pointed out to form individual aspiration level; past experiences and comparison with important others. Here it is hypothesized that past experience of
climate shocks, as stimuli, can play a role in the aspiration formation of smallholder farers. Thus, in this research, the impact of previous climate related shocks on the aspiration formation of farmers and its gender perspective will be assessed. In doing so it will serve as a point of departure to frame an intervention option different from the resource
oriented past endeavors to tackle poverty and food insecurity. Beneficiaries of the output would be smallholder farmers and also the research and academic community.