Dr Tilumanywa Verdiana Tindichebwa
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Areas of research interest:Environmental Analysis: GIS and Mapping: Application in Land cover and Land use studies and change detection;Environmental change:
Grantee Description
Home Institution University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Host Institution University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Areas of research interest:Environmental Analysis: GIS and Mapping: Application in Land cover and Land use studies and change detection;Environmental change: Land use change, climate change and variability; Analysis and Management of Special Environments(mountains, drylands); Livelihoods; Tourism and development: potential, management and impact analysis
Summary of research
Agricultural support services are important in bringing about resilience in agriculture to the effect of climatevariation (FAO, 2013). However, inadequate agricultural support services in terms of personnel for farmers to get timelyinformation on extension, marketing, transport, input supply, credit, storage, processing and weather information serviceis a serious problem to agricultural development in sub Saharan Africa. The questions that remain are how theagricultural support system functions in the study area and in what ways can it be improved so as to enhancesmallholders’ capacity to adapt to climate variation?