Dr Utete Beaven
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Areas of research interest: Fisheries and water resources in peri-urban areas
Grantee Description
Home Institution Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe
Host Institution University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Summary of research
This multivariate, interdisciplinary and multinational study intends to explore the food security, resilience andadaptive capacity of fisheries resources and fishing livelihood-dependent communities in the face of climate change in a peri-urban lake system. The underlying objective is to investigate the impact of climatic factors (rainfall and
temperature) on the water resources, and determine their translative impacts on fisheries and the vulnerability offishing livelihood-dependent communities in a peri-urban lake set up. It is hoped hirtherto neglected peri-urban small scale inland fisheries will get the necessary mainline governmental support and are recognised as unique viable enterprises with manifold roles in uplift the socio-economic status of millions of fisheries dependent communities.