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Grantees Profile

Shade John Akinsete

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Research Topic: Soil carbon and greenhouse gas fluxes quantification and monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of Ibadan metropolis, southwestern Nigeria.

Grantee Description

Fellowship Category: Post-PhD

Nationality: Nigerian      

Home Institution: University of Ibadan, Nigeria 

Mentor at Home Institution: Prof Labode Popoola          

Host Institution: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya               

Supervisor at Host Institution: Dr David Pelster

CVF Akinsete’s research is ecosystems and climate change. Her research will focus on providing much needed data on soil carbon stocks, carbon fractions (recalcitrant and labile), potential sequestration capacity, and fluxes of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O and CH4) of some southwestern Nigerian soils, which has significantly increased the inability to monitoring the effects of climate change in the region. She identifies that information on soil carbon stocks, carbon fractions and fluxes of greenhouse gases have received very little attention. She hopes that through her study effort will begin on establishing national and/or regional monitoring network sites and inventories of soil carbon storage. She hopes that CIRCLE will build her capacity for more research opportunities.