Berchie Asiedu
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Research Topic: Economic impacts, adaptations and opportunities of climate change in small-scale aquaculture industry of Ghana, West Africa.
Grantee Description
Fellowship category: Post-PhD
Nationality: Ghanaian
Home Institution: University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), Ghana
Mentor at Home Institution: Prof F K E Nunoo
Host Institution: University of Ibadan (UI), Nigeria
Supervisor at Host Institution: Dr Adetola Jenyo-Oni
The research area of CVF Asiedu is small-scale aquaculture and climate change. His CIRCLE research focuses on investigating the economic and social impacts of climate change in small-scale aquaculture of Ghana and develop sustainable adaptation strategies. He identifies economic impact of climate change on small-scale aquaculture; social impact of climate change on small-scale aquaculture; quantification of impacts of climate change on aquaculture trade; quantification and description of climate change on vulnerable fish farmers groups; and determination of level of knowledge of small-scale fish farmers on adaptations and opportunities of climate change as key areas that have not been well researched. He hopes that his research will build comprehensive data on climate change and small-scale aquaculture which will lead to policies by relevant ministries, agencies, NGOs to address climate change and small-scale aquaculture.