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Grantees Profile

Ayansina Ayanlade

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Research Topic: Perceptions   and   responses to climate change impacts, adaptive capacity and vulnerability among rural farmers.

Grantee Description

Fellowship Category: Post-PhD

Nationality: Nigerian      

Home Institution: Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Nigeria   

Host Institution: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya

Supervisor at Host Institutions: Dr Maren Radeny

CVF Ayanlade’s area of research is Climate change impacts on agriculture and society using applied environmental remote sensing and GIS. His CIRCLE research attempts to look at the climate change/variability impacts on agricultural sector, with particular reference to local farmer awareness and their adaptive capacities. The research holds the benefits of enhancing sensitivities to climate change and adaptive capacity of rural farmers through climate-smart agriculture. He hopes the knowledge and experience gained from this research and the CIRCLE fellowship will be very useful to him in his work as a lecturer and researcher in Nigeria.