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Grantees Profile

Etaferahu Kassa Ejegu

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Area of research: Optimisation of environmental concern and economic gain.

Grantee Description

Fellowship Category: Post-Masters        

Nationality: Ethiopian    

Home Institution: Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Ethiopia      

Mentor at Home Institution: Dr Dawit Alemu

Host Institution: University of Ghana, Ghana     

Supervisor at Host Institution: Prof Samuel N A Codjoe 

Research focus: There is an emerging expansion in area and investment in the Ethiopian sugar production. As sugarcane plantation expands, the pre harvest burning which is a common practice and used to remove the leaf from the steam increases. The burning contributes to the increase in greenhouse gas emission. Understanding environmental and economic impacts of this practice will help to develop economically feasible and environmental friendly production system. Thus, the study aims to identify economic and environmental tradeoffs because of this practice as well to suggest appropriate environmental measures to policy makers.