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Grantees Profile

Kidane Giday Gebremedhin

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Research topic: Forest species composition change, carbon dynamics and climate change impacts in dry Afromontane forest of Northern Ethiopia: forest restoration options for climate change mitigation in the drylands.

Grantee Description

Fellowship Category: Post-PhD 

Nationality: Ethiopian    

Home Institution: Mekelle University, Ethiopia 

Mentor at Home Institution Dr Dereje Assefa

Host Institution: Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia            

Supervisor at Host Institution: Dr Teshome Soromessa

The focus of CVF Gebremehdin’s research is investigating the effect of silvicultural treatments on regeneration, growth and carbon dynamics in a long term restoration experiment of remnant forest reserve. In Ethiopia anthropogenic factors has profoundly altered vegetation resources where ecosystem services and climate change mitigation potentials are severely impacted. Thus, exploring possibilities of restoration of these resources is expected to give an important impulse to their conservation and sustainable use and contribute towards the current thinking in forest management, Improved Forest Management (IFM), which is taken as a priority REDD+ strategy for the tropics.