Showman Gwatibaya
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Research Topic: Developing a model for assessing effects of breed and feeding regime on enteric methane gas emissions from African Sanga cattle.
Grantee Description
Fellowship Category: Post-Masters
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Home Institution: Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT), Zimbabwe
Mentor at Home Institution: Dr Raphael Jingura
Host Institution: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya
Supervisor at Host Institution: Dr John Goopy
The research area of CVF Gwatibaya is “Livestock Systems and the Environment” and researching into ‘Developing a model for assessing effects of breed and feeding regime on enteric methane gas emissions from African Sanga cattle’. The research focuses on predicting enteric methane emission using animal characteristic and activity data and directly quantifying enteric methane emissions using respiration chambers. He hopes that his research will address the lack of information regarding correct enteric methane emission factors for cattle breeds of African origin. He will try to come up with near correct enteric methane emission factors for Sanga breeds and formulate prediction models. At the end of the CIRCLE fellowship, Gwatibaya hopes to have acquired knowledge and skills regarding different techniques that can be used to estimate, measure and predict enteric methane emissions from cattle production systems.