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Grantees Profile

Victoria Tanimonure

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Research Topic: Underutilised indigenous vegetables for dietary diversity and revenue generation in response to climate change in southwestern Nigeria.

Grantee Description

Fellowship Category: Post-Masters        

Nationality: Nigerian      

Home Institution: Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Nigeria

Mentor at Home Institution: Prof A B Ayanwale

Host Institution: University of Ghana (UG), Ghana          

Supervisor at Host Institution: Prof Samuel N A Codjoe

CVF Tanimonure will research into underutilized indigenous vegetables (UIVS) for dietary diversity and revenue generation in response to climate change in Nigeria. A growing body of literature on climate change suggests that indigenous crops are resilient and as such adapt better to the negative effects of climate change. She will seek to establish relationship between climate change variables and the livelihood, dietary diversity and food security of the producers of UIVs in Nigeria.