Abhram Belay Mekonnen
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Area of research: Economic value of natural resources (Contingent valuation approach). Economic impact of climate change on agricultural crop production. Agri-business and value chain adaptation to climate change.
Grantee Description
Home Institution: Hawassa University
Host institution: International livestock research institute, Kenya.
Research focus: This research focuses on adaptation to climate change by smallholder farmers and determinants to their adaptation decision in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Adaptation to climate change is a two-step process, which involves perceiving that the climate is changing and then responding to changes through adaptation strategies. The perception of the farmers on climate change will determine the adaptation strategies of the farmers. The potential influential factors that affect farmer’s adaptation strategies are supposed to be environmental, economical and institutional factors. This study addresses the following research questions. How do smallholder farmers perceive climate change and its impacts? How do they respond to climate change impacts? What are the main factors that affect the response of smallholder farmers to climate change?